Chapter twenty two

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Blood stained lips

Ava's body shot upward with a gasp

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Ava's body shot upward with a gasp.

The air filling her lungs as if to suffocate the dying breath she should have received in her previous waking moments.

Her satin eyes bulged out of her sockets as the blood receded back into her veins and circulated her being.

What had happened?

She had tried to kill herself to save herself. She was no longer any better than her brother.

But how was she still breathing?

As if to check, Ava took a Sharp breath- finally allowing the tingle of oxygen to relish in her lungs.

Within seconds of awakening a body had collided with her, their hands gripping her cheeks and body pressed against her leg as they perched on the sofa.

Her eyes went wide with confusion, her blue orbs convulsing with agonising fear of her last memories.

Klaus gripped her cheeks, anger flashing through his eyes as he inspected the very much alive avangaliene for other injuries or symptoms of vampirism.
Her heart still pattered like a humming bird, matching her disheveled expression.

"Are you insane avangaliene?" Klaus growled at her, finally allowing his gaze to strike her own.

Her hand shot to her stomach as the pain fizzled through her skin, a phantom shot of agony as she recalled the knife.

Her fingers slowly trailed from her abdomen to her lips, hoping to what she was thinking wasn't true. But as her fingers left her chapped and burnt lips, red dotted at her nails.


They had given her their blood.

"Am I insane? Are you insane? Feeding me blood like I'm some blood thirsty bat?" Ava spat as she shuddered through klaus' hold on her.
His hands dropped but he stayed firm in his position, glaring at the stubborn girl.

"The blood was the thing that saved you, love. So try to be a bit more grateful next time. And..." klaus remarked, his eyebrows catching one another as they furrowed deeper into his receding forehead.

"No!" Ava snapped, pushing her body to further herself away from the man without toppling to the floor.
Neither decided to acknowledge the other life's filling the room.

"There will be no next time. Niklaus mikealson if you as much use any form of vampire voodoo on me or if any of your vampiric pals do so, I will go straight back to where I came from. I swear down, if I choose to do something I will not be forced to do otherwise or abuse the powers in which you possess, and which I never hope to." The anger fuelled girl retorted as she watch the frustration flow through the hybrids body, each wave more and more revolted by her words.

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