Chapter eighty six

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The deal

"So what's the deal with you and Klaus?" Stefan pondered as Freya dabbed a witchy concoction against his tracking wound

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"So what's the deal with you and Klaus?" Stefan pondered as Freya dabbed a witchy concoction against his tracking wound. The witch muffled a laugh as they waited for Ava to respond, she knew what klaus did was vulgar and wrong but also of the power their bond had. And even Ava couldn't hide that.

"He's a grade A asshole, that's the deal." She announced spitefully, swinging her legs back and forth as she idly watched Freya do her magic.

"They're engaged, kind of." The sister explained, although noticing the missing glint of a ring on Ava's finger. Stefans attention shot up, eyes almost bulging from his sockets at the simple comprehension.

"You're engaged to Klaus, I thought you hated him?" He pressed on, his issue with a vampire hunter suddenly diminishing in necessity.

"It's not like that, okay. He just gave me a ring that signifies us staying together for a stupidly long time. It's not like I'm planning a white wedding. That'd be idiotic." Ava quipped back, crossing her arms as if she were an infant being scolded. The amused expressions filtering through the room only fuelled her adolescent rebellion.

"Sounds like you're engaged." Stefan observed, wincing ever so slightly from the sting of herbs on his chest and the spiteful glare of Ava O'Connell.

"Careful, I liked you before." She remarked, unaware of the night soon to be ending and the light soon to be showering the city.

A light she had become vulnerable to.


"Ava, love May I speak to you before you go." Nik whistled through the air, advancing before Ava could flee through the courtyard. She froze, fingertips tracing the door blocking her exit.

"What do you want now, Klaus?" She snapped, turning on her spot with a huff. A silence stretched between them as he planned his next words carefully, knowing of Ava's intent to stay angry.

"I just thought you would like to know the plan, the one to save my family..." he quipped as if she had lost all interest of her friends along with their bond.

Ofcourse she hadn't.

Her hand softly fell from the door handle and she nodded, hoping it was a better plan than all of their past endeavours. With a smug smile the hybrid poured two drinks, wanting to stretch their moment as long as he could. She rolled her eyes, disregarding his drink offer and stayed rooted on her spot.

"What is the plan, Klaus?" Ava pried, gaze glued to the suddenly passive immortal. His finger rose as he swigged back a drink, relishing the sour taste on his tongue.

"Come on, sweetheart, sit down." He offered, nodding to the open space next to him. Ava rolled back her shoulders, keeping her stare and position as Klaus waited for her to move.

"Not feeling talkative, love?" He prodded, quirking an eyebrow at her unamused expression. She could tell he was playing a game from a mile off, but she didn't know why. What had he to gain from irritating her more, surely his idiotic romantic gestures had proven that unsuccessful?

"If you're not going to tell me..." Ava sighed, turning back towards the door just to prove she wouldn't play along.

"I will tell you, all in good time." Klaus smirked back, unphased by her threat to leave. Avas patience was wearing thin alongside the chance of his redemption.

She pulled the door wide open, ready to speed off without any rebuttal. But the searing light burnt her skin, sending her backward with a hiss and into the darkness of the room.

As her burning flesh healed, Klaus smugly rose from his seat and wandered toward the entrance. He nudged the door shut and offered a hand to the cowering girl, who had suddenly become vividly aware of what game he was playing. Because she was trapped, and that was all Klaus wanted.



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