Chapter sixty eight

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In memoriam

That night everything changed

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That night everything changed.
It wasn't because of the sort of engagement, or because Rebekah mikaelson had been daggered by her own brother.
But because on that fateful night, Ava O'Connell had died.

Klaus blinked the sleep from his eyes in a haze, a hand snaked around the small blondes frame. He brought a hand to rub away the grit underneath his eyes, freezing at the blurry sight of blood.

as his gaze focused and his fingertips dripped with fresh red blood, he let out a calloused cry. He began to tap against her rigid frame, rolling the limp girl into his arms.

Without the red substance drying against her cold skin, he would assume she was peacefully sleeping. But he knew better.

He screamed out in pain, tears pooling against her skin as he began to rock her back and forth. Elijah sprinted into the room, sympathy painting its way onto his expression.

The bed sheets were covered in blood, a rusty knife carelessly lying on the floorboards metres away from the fresh corpse. Klaus bit into his wrist and shoved it in front of the limp body, hot tears coating her cheeks.

"It won't work, Niklaus. She's gone." Elijah mumbled into the stale air, leaving nothing but a bitter aftertaste.

"No, she'll come back." He whimpered, pushing away the stray strands of hair clumped with the crusty crimson blood.

"Niklaus." Elijah reasoned, only then noticing the shining crystal slipped onto her limp finger.

"She has to."


Hours had passed and any hope for her survival was dimming. Instead, Klaus smashed everything within his room, breaking the drawer and destroying the paintings. That was until his rage had simmered into a depression, leaving him to cradle the lifeless body still laying upon the bed.

With teary eyes and a dark mind, Klaus was ready to detach from his surroundings and become the ripper he truly was. There was no person to stop him now, not with her gone.

But just as all hope was lost, Ava's body shot upright with a pained gasp. Klaus was shocked, and watched her with wide eyes. Avas fingers trailed up her body as if they were lost, wanting to find the source of her pain.

When she felt it, her own breath was lost. She met Klaus' fleeting gaze and whimpered at the blood soaking his clothes.

"No." She whispered, as her fingers found the sharp cut scarred on her neck.

"No, no. No!" Her voice trembled, matching her shaking frame. Klaus regained his composure and reached for her hand, pain threading through the air and poisoning them both.

"I'm so sorry." Klaus whispered, the pad of his thumb stroking away a lost tear.


Ava stood in the shower, her soft cries lost in with the patter of water against the floor. She watched as the clear water turned crimson, and dripped down her skin.

Avangaline Oconnell had died.

And because of Aurora De'Martel, a new person stood in her place. This was the beginning of a new Ava, and even if that Ava would live for one last day, she would declare havoc on anyone who caused her harm.


Ava stumbled into the room with an arm covering her eyes, her frame hunched and cowering into the shadows.

"The light is killing me." Ava grumbled, dragging her nails through the damp tendrils of hair clinging to her skin.

"You'll adjust." Klaus responded, his tone monotonous.

"The music is so loud." Ava retorted, slumping against the wall as her hands clamped around her ears. The sounds of the musicians outside smacked against Ava's eardrums, ringing through her head like a drum.

"It all hurts so much." She cried, her body slowly falling to the floor with her eyes clenched shut. Klaus crouched in front of the curled figure, his hands finding her cheeks only to be met with the pale and cold complexion.

her eyes were dowsed in pain as tears slipped down the bridge of her nose, her crystal irises fading to grey.

"As soon as you feed, your heightened sense will cease to be painful and become... euphoric." His tone was soothing but held a bitter taste as the words fell past his lips. Ava's eyebrows furrowed together, his words drowning out the background noise.

"You think I'm just going to... to drink blood?" She muttered, pushing away from his comforting touch and stumbling to her feet.

"Human blood? I knew this would happen! What the hell did I expect." She spat, her movements erratic and panicked.

"I deserve anything that happens to me, I deserve this!" Her hands gestured down her bodies greyed skin, it was as if she was a living corpse.

"No one deserves this, not unless they choose it. And some of us don't have that choice." Klaus murmured, trying to calm her shaking frame.

"But I do have a choice." Ava stopped, turning back to face the man she had decided to love. His face dropped at her comment, anger loosely threading through his skin. He shook his head, tears pricking at his eyelashes. but Ava had already made up her mind.

"I can choose not to feed."


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