Chapter forty five

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Sleeping beauty

Klaus mikaelson

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Klaus mikaelson.

A man who secluded himself to keep harm away from his loved ones.
The man who had been betrayed by his own blood. And the man Dahila could bring into her mind with ease.

He woke with a gasp, fighting for the air that had been ridiculed from his own lungs. His eyes searching for the reason why he was brought into the past, he found Dahila.

"Get out of my head." He demanded as he stumbled to his feet, gaze slitted toward his aunt.

"I am not in your head. You are in mine." She responded simply, the mikaelson smirk radiating from her.

Infuriated to be stuck in his past, where nothing but pain was submerged into memory, his anger spiked.

The audacity of this woman was unbelievable, it made him seethe in rage that she not only planned to hurt him but everyone he loved.

That was when the familiar glimpse of blonde hair caught his eye. Klaus charged past the woman and toward the lifeless body of avangaline found within one of the many houses.

Her body rested on a bed in an otherwise empty room, wearing the exact same clothes he had seen her in last. Her hair softly quilted the pillow, the golden ringlets brightening in the Viking sun.

"What did you do to her?" Klaus roared to the amused woman in the background.

"I did nothing. It was your own brother after all who daggered you and left you to rot in a coffin. And your newly found sister of course, who linked your state to hers. She will not wake until you do, but she can still age." Dahila informed the hybrid, whose gaze was transfixed on the softly sleeping beauty before him. He had to find a way to wake up, if not for his sake- then for hers.

Dahila pushed the door ajar, her eyebrow cocked as she watched the unmoving hybrid.

"Now I have a proposition for you. Come along."


Elijah strolled into the bar Cami worked at, only a small morsel of guilt plaguing his mind. Cami sighed in relief as she saw the original, worry still tracing her features.

"Please tell me you've spoken to Ava this morning! I've left her a thousand texts. Is she with klaus? Do you know where he is?" She bombarded him with questions, pushing the food away as she waited impatiently for answers.

"Yes, I spoke to both briefly before I put klaus to sleep with a dagger- and Freya decided to link the two together." He spoke unfazed, brushing his suit off as he witnessed the line of filth the floor had accustomed to.

"You've done what?" Camis voice fell flat as she stared at the mikaelson gobsmacked. Elijah sighed, cocking an eyebrow at the oconnell as if she needed no extra information.

"Klaus didn't kill Aidan! Ava left me a voicemail, and what the hell does linked mean?" Cami demanded, stepping away from her work and toward Elijah.

"It means she's taking part of the fairy tale 'sleeping beauty' temporarily. Do not worry, she won't be harmed." He stated, ignoring the furious expression seeping through her skin.

"How long do you expect me to be okay with you keeping my sister asleep for? 2 months? 5 years? A lifetime?" Cami yelled, infuriated at his passive outlook.

"Until Hope is safe."



Something that suffocates you, clutching at your lungs until you can no longer breathe. It's sinking in the ocean, unable to claw your way back to the surface.

It's what Ava felt like.

She could almost hear the words around her, like a scratched record it fizzled and it cracked until it was barley audible. But it was there.

She could feel the pain within klaus' chest, the sharp sting of the blade within his heart. Ava was being held down by her unmovable limbs, and the only connection to any living thing was klaus mikaelson.


Klaus mikaelson roamed through Dahlias memories along side her imbecilic notions and observations. She was attempting to alley them, telling him that Hope would only grow stronger alongside Dahlia.

"How long, do you think, before Elijah and Rebekah release you? How many years would Ava have missed purely because she must lay unconscious beside you?" Dahlia observed, trekking through Freya's childhood home. Klaus had paused at the mention of Ava, her body still trapped like his- until his woke up.

"Niklaus." A soft voice hummed through the air. He whipped his head either side to find the sweet source, but she was not there.

"Nik, I don't know where I am... I- I can't breath." Her voice sifted through the air once more, captivating the hybrid.

"Avangaline?" He roared, ignoring the witch stood beside him. Ava was no where within the woods.

"I can't breath Nik, it hurts. It hurts..." Ava cried into the abyss, hoping the hybrid could respond. She needed to get out. Escape wherever Freya had put her.

"Get out of my head Dahilia! She is not here, I can not see her!" Klaus yelled toward his aunt, his eyes cold as the trace of avas cries still spread through the forest.

But it was not Dahilia who had conjured up avas voice. It was Ava forging any sort of connection she could have through the doorway left ajar in her mind.



You guys are amazing, I love the support I am constantly given for my writing.

Shout outs still are linked to last chapter comments:

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Sorry for any mistakes,

Thank you for reading,

Oh! Before you go.
I will be uploading my very first blog soon. The URL is to be decided but I want you to read it!
So far my website will go by the name of: TheVancantThoughtsOfHarrietGrace

It will not be linked to any of my work here, even the poetry linked to this title will not be a major factor at all.

It will be somewhere I can be myself and give advice as well as ask advice.

I want you to be involved! So I will be able to be contacted via the website and the email linked to it. I will explain more when it is posted!

Thank you for reading,

Goodbye X

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