Chapter eighty seven

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Time to understand

"I thought you left?" Freya noted as Ava stormed through the doorway, her flesh still recovering from the searing sun of the morning

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"I thought you left?" Freya noted as Ava stormed through the doorway, her flesh still recovering from the searing sun of the morning.

"I tried." The blonde muttered, ignoring the humorous stare of the Salvatore. The dynamic of the couple was intriguing, both acting from impulse and stubbornness.

He had been told what happened, and he knew how much that pain could burden someone. But over his years he had also learnt the power of love, and the fact one wrongful action could never sever the ties of two people rooted in passion even if they tried. It just seemed Ava O'Connell and Klaus mikaelson were too stubborn to realise it.

"Do you understand, truly understand, why it hurt so much Nik?" Ava suddenly retorted as if Stefans thoughts had spurred her on, spinning on her spot to stare daggers at the hybrid.

"Because I trusted you. I have never fallen so deeply and recklessly in love with someone only to have it thrown in my face. Time and time again you went against my wishes because of what you believed, time and time again I forgave you." She continued, veins bursting underneath her eyes as tears were hidden underneath the blaring crimson lines. He stayed silent, they all did, as they watched Ava finally unravel her anger.

"We have spent the past two years declaring there is always another way, and yet you argue that you had no choice. I think we both know there is always another choice." Her fierce tone was cracking, leaving traces of her pain and fear of what had happened.

But she carried on.

"It is not your fault that I have been put in danger, but we can't deny you are the reason why my life was constantly threatened. Was that all in vein, was my life taken for nothing but an infatuation? If you could so easily sleep with someone else, did you ever truly love me?" The two stood at opposing sides of the room, Ava scared to move in case her body could no longer support her wretched sobs.

Klaus was frozen for a moment too, his eyes glassed in a pain he thought he would never endure after turning into the hybrid. But standing there, he suddenly felt like a 13 year old boy again. Innocent and regretful, pleading silently for forgiveness.

"I have always loved you, Ava. From the moment you sneaked into my home after following your sister. From when you grilled me at rousseaus after your sister had declared me a threat. From when you decided to see the person, and not the past." Klaus' voice was nothing but a soft murmur, the worry of loss intertwined with each word.

"Aurora had sparked my past selfish ambitions, and I am not proud of it. But it was never to do with not loving you. I know I should not have kept it from you, I was being selfish. Because you have taught me how to live again, and I didn't want to lose that. I couldn't lose you." He hesitantly stepped forward, foot shaking with each movement. But someone had to close the gap between them, and ignite the fire that had started when they had met.

"I understand that what I did was unforgivable. But I hope in time you can learn to love me again. If it takes 1000 years, I will wait. Because I have learnt not to be selfish when it comes to you, not if it meant I lost you any more than I already have."

Only a few metres separated the pair, tension rising as if pressure had increased. Freya and Stefan were quiet, glancing at one another in silent conversation. Ava couldn't bring herself to speak. She wanted to stay angry, to find the strength to demand him to leave her alone. But she knew she would be lying to herself.

"There is not a single soul that I could ever love more than you Avangaline. Not one that compares. And if I have to wait, I will. I will always wait for you." Klaus was exhibiting a new level of vulnerability, openly accepting that this could be the last conversation they had for a millennia. Ava pursed her lips and wiped the lost tear from her eye, hating how he made her feel. She let out a breath she hadn't known she had kept, and found the courage to speak.

"I hate you so much, Niklaus Mikaelson." She muttered through her cracking voice, her eyes wide and innocent. "But I could never stop loving you."

As if she had waited an eternity to feel his heartbeat, she hastily wrapped her arms around his frame and pressed her cheek to his chest. A few broken sobs had escaped her but she didn't care, nothing seemed to matter as much as he did to her.

"Always and forever."
Nik whispered as he pressed his lips to her hair, relishing in her warm touch.
"Forever and always."



A soppy chapter had to happen to sort out the mess Nik made.

I know a lot didn't like the idea of them getting back together because of what he did. But I wrote it this way to, I guess, physicalise my own thoughts on cheating. I have seen first hand that someone can change, or may act out of instinct from past loves. I think it's important that we remember that a part of us will always love our past partners, even if it ended on bad terms. And seeing them can spark that sort of love that was buried away.

I'm not saying Klaus loved Aurora when he knew Ava, but that seeing a woman you declared to love for the rest of your life after so many years can cloud your judgement. It doesn't give this way of acting an excuse, but maybe a way forward toward forgiveness.

Thanks for reading my blathering.

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