Chapter seven

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Red solo cups

The lift was silent other than the small hum of the jingle exuding off of the half broken speakers

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The lift was silent other than the small hum of the jingle exuding off of the half broken speakers.
The door opened, and a red number flashed above the creaking door to signal it was not her stop.
A man walked in and stood next to Ava, a smile beaming from his lips. She returned the smile politely, responding to his outstretched hand to shake.
"Hello, love. My names Vincent."
And the door closed.


Ava was dressed in a black dress, covered in blood and hair braided down one of her shoulders.

Her body was thriving with the music which pulsated through the streets of New Orleans. It was Hallows eve, and it was never unnoticed in a town that loved to celebrate death.

One of her hands clasped a red solo cup that she was given during the course of her wandering the pavement. Her eyes were closed as she laughed along with the tune, not aware of eyes glued to her.

Cami exited the building she was in, searching for her little sister in a crowd she knew Ava had immersed herself in. Her deep blue eyes spotted a mess of blonde hair jumping to the beat, along with several people, including men.

Cami sighed as she bumped past the drunkards and the dancers, walking straight toward her sister and winding her grip around her wrist. Ava stumbled as she was pulled away from the crowd and to the dissipating groups.

Her light blue eyes met camis dark ones, trying to assess what had happened in the office.
But before she could ask, a phone rang.

Second later Cami had a phone attached to her ear and had lost her grip on her sister as she tried to push past the groups hoarding the street. Ava stayed close to her sister, glaring at anyone who tried to provoke them. She tried not to listen into their conversation, but her curiosity always spiked because Ava wanted to know everything going on.

"Yes you should have called sooner, I was worried sick! Word on the street is, and by streets, I mean josh - is that you have gone completely MIA. Seriously, are you okay? Where are you?" Camis words blended together, Ava was surprised the person on the other line could decipher the language her sister was somehow creating. But by the hum from the speakers, the caller obviously could.

Ava studied her sisters expression carefully.
Cami was stressed.
Her forehead was scrunched and her eyes were flickering side to side, anxiously calculating the words she was receiving. Her hand was tightly clasped around the small black object, her knuckles whitening as the grip strengthened.
Obviously Cami was hearing something she didn't want to hear.

"Davina? Davina!" Cami yelled into the phone, a low continuous buzz erupted from the speakers, the girl, davina, hand clearly hung up on the conversation. A huff escaped Ava's sisters lips, creating a small cloud in the cold night air. Camis lips parted to shout cuss words to calm herself before she was rudely interrupted.

"Well that was rather rude." A British voice noted from behind the girls. They both turned frantically, very different reactions coming from both O'Connells.

Cami gaped at the mikealson, utter disbelief and confusion radiating off of the blonde. Ava's eyes widened from shock, her hand clutching her chest as her fingers felt the pulsation of her heart against her rib cage. Her other hand went to swat at the blonde British man, hitting his chest gently as her breathing began to steady.

"Bloody hell. Stop doing that!" The younger girl shouted, her gaze meeting his only to be met with a more mischievous and glazed eye.

She was not expecting his response to be so calm, so collected, when his eyes burnt a cold fire.

His hand delicately wove around Ava's, bringing it up to his lips in a greeting. "Well, it's lovely to see you too, love. Always a pleasure Camille." Klaus smirked, his hand dropping from holding Ava's, eyes flickering between the girls who could pass as fraternal twins.

Ava's expression softened, a smile which matched his soon appearing on her lips. Her lips parting to respond.

"Don't... don't do that crooked - smile thing, okay? I haven't seen you for months, and now you're appearing... out of the blue? What do you want?" Cami accused the man in front of them, preventing ava from responding. She decided it was not her time to speak, this was not her fight to have, nor her conversation to hold.

Ava crept backward, her drunk state thinking her stealth was improving, when in reality she just stumbled backward, whooshing her head around a few times. Klaus smirked at the smaller girl before turning back to the older one.

"Is it a wise idea for little Ava to be roaming around the streets in her intoxicated state? You don't know what's lurking in the alleys at this time of night." Klaus queried, his tone far too concerned for Camilles liking. She turned her head slightly to see her sister still trying to sneak away from the pair.

Cami sighed as she leaned toward her and pulled her back to the group, her grasp this time not leaving her sisters wrist.
"What do you want klaus?" Cami re asked, her glare viscous and brutal. Klaus smirked as his eyes scanned over the drunk 22 year old, his lips parting to speak.

"Well, I have a rather long list of people I need to track down and deal with. And at the top of that list is a certain run away witch." Klaus informed the eldest, forgetting the lack of knowledge one of them held.

Ava gaped at the last word that fell from his lips. Her eyebrows raised as she linked the pieces together.

"Witch? That girl, davina... a witch?" Ava's words merged together as she spoke with one breath. Cami glowered at the original in disbelief, first he had disappeared for months on end. And then he doesn't keep quiet about the supernatural around the all natural.

Klaus made a small o with his lips, an eyebrow arched at Cami in accusation. "How long do you think you can keep that up?" Klaus asked Camille, ignoring the intoxicated blonde. Cami laughed half heartedly, her hair strands flailing in the soft breeze.

"Maybe we shouldn't be having this conversation right now." Cami huffed in annoyance, her grip tightening around the small wrist it held.
Getting ready to storm away.

"Well it sounds like you need some help. And I know the perfect babysitter."


We finally reached 100!!! and around the time my other book is about to hit 1k!!!!

It's such a nice feeling when you think a small majority like reading the things I write on my notes at 1 am in the morning.

Thank you guys for the continuous voting on these uploads, and adding the book to reading lists left right and centre. It's so sweet and I love all my bloody readers!

Shout out to @martiholmes for the love toward the book and adding to your reading list.

Who will be the babysitter klaus is talking about? What will come of Ava knowing Vincent/Finn in the next few chapters? ...who knows because I haven't wrote them yet. 😉

Thank you for reading,
Please comment and vote and keep up the major support.
Let's catch this book up with my other!

Sorry for any mistakes,

Goodbye X

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