Chapter two

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They headed to an abbatoir, the building being barred off by the entrance

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They headed to an abbatoir, the building being barred off by the entrance. Cami slowed and turned to her sister apologetically.

"Can I have a moment, I'll meet you in that cafe." Cami asked, pointing over to a small cafe hidden within an alcove of two ancient buildings.
Ava was taken aback, she had just arrived and her sister wanted to trespass into a building alone. Without waiting for a response Cami pushed the gate a jar and slipped through the gap the locks allowed.
She gave her sister one last glance before disappearing in the building. But that didn't stop Ava from quietly following.


Ava hid in the shadows as she watched her sister call out a name. Ava was almost certain she saw the man she assumed who belonged to the name in the shadows opposite her.

But with a blink he was gone.

The wind had a habit of picking up frantically and soon dropping in the little square, which confused Ava.
But it wasn't the weirdest thing she had seen. Cami started to ascend the stairs, making Ava quickly hurry after her. As Ava began to climb the staircase her sister whispered the name once more.

Cami turned around as if to see klaus, only to see her sister sheepishly standing there instead.
"Ava?" She whisper yelled, glaring down to her little sister who had done what she was told not to. Ava smiled awkwardly, watching as her sister whipped her hair around and carried on up the stairs. Whoever klaus was, it was important she found him. Cami reached the second floor, walking on to the hallway and searching the level.

"Klaus I know you're here somewhere. We need to talk." Cami shouted to the vacant air, no one could be seen anywhere.
They were in an abandoned house.
Then out of no where someone appeared.

As Ava stumbled up the last of the stairs a sudden gush of wind weaved itself through the air.
Her head bending down to stop her hair from going mental.

"He doesn't wish to see you." A deep voice appeared out of no where. Ava's head came back up to see a man suddenly apparent in the middle of the hallway.

"Bloody hell." Ava shouted from shock, her eyes widening  and threading with confusion. Another gust of wind spread through the air, and the man appeared in front of her. He wore a black suit and his hair was slicked back, and apparently he was a magician.

"And who is she?" The man asked, never letting her leave his sight as he asked Cami. Ava's eyebrows furrowed, who the hell was he?

"Who am I? Who the bloody hell are you? A wannabe magician? And where the hell did you come from?" Ava yelled, her hand gripping her hair as she tried to grasp at the idea of teleportation.
The man was unamused at her outburst, his face still expressionless.

"I beg your pardon? Aren't you the one trespassing?" The man combatted, raising his eyebrow in accusation. Ava stared him dead in the eye, the crystal colour in her iris intensifying.

"You can beg for it but you won't get it." She shot back, ignoring his comment, he was patronising her.
And no one could do that.
The man sighed before disappearing and appearing in front of Cami once more.

"Niklaus does not care much for conversation these days. And, he certainly wouldn't care for the fact that you've put yourself in danger by coming here." The suited man informed Ava's sister.

Well This guy seems like a dick,
she thought.

Cami sighed, hushing her tone so her sister could hear little of her words. "Elijah, I'm already in danger. I have the guerreras following me like it's a police state. The city's being run by gangsters, and you guys aren't doing anything about it. Marcel took them out a hundred years ago without any of you, don't you think he might be up for lending us a hand?" Cami whisper yelled, glaring directly at the man she called Elijah. Ava sighed, a snort escaping her lips.

"How can a magician stop gangsters?" Ava retorted, earning the two to glare at her.
Her lack of knowledge made her sound foolish.  

Elijah turned back to the girl he knew, asking for answers with his gestures before he turned to where they came from.
"Thank you for coming, Camille." Elijah told the girl, not asking for the others name. The man nudged past the girl planted on the stair case and moved toward the doorway. Forcing the girls to grudgingly follow him. Ava's gaze went up to inspect the higher floors of the building.
The ancient part intriguing her as, as she strolled down the stair case more intricate details became apparent.

She noticed a figure standing by the balcony on the higher floor, peering down to the group in secrecy. Her crystal irises pierced into his as he caught her gaze on his.
But he darent move, in case he was mistaken. Ava quickly bowed her head and hurried out of the house. That family was creepy and she didn't want to go back there soon after leaving.

What none of the three realised was klaus was observing the whole encounter. He watched the girls enter and saw the unfamiliar face. He noticed her stubbornness and honesty as soon as she decided to speak. Her comments that fell from her lips made him smile for the first time in months since the 'death' of his child.
He was intrigued by the character to say the least. And he wanted to find out more.

A gust of wind appeared next to Elijah as the pair exited the house, the man turned to see his brother resting in the balcony, his gaze staring down at the door.

"I like her spirit." Elijah commented, not really knowing if his comment included the unfamiliar face. Klaus's head bowed, his lips falling out of the smile he had held.

"As do I." He mumbled.
The guilt was unbearable.
And now there were two.


Damn I don't normally update so fast. But I'm just feeling updatish today!

Ava has met the mikealsons...
And she hasn't got a bloody clue.
Nik has interest in the new occonnell.
What is going to happen nowww!
Please comment and vote.

Sorry for any mistakes,
Thank you for reading.

Goodbye X

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