Chapter four

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Satin eyes

When Ava awoke once more, the day before felt like a nightmare

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When Ava awoke once more, the day before felt like a nightmare.

A very realistic nightmare.

But the wreck of the living room concluded that it was all very real. And the slight bruising around her neck confirmed the events more vividly.
She quickly knotted her hair into a bun and wiped any stray makeup off of her face.

Ava entered the kitchen to grab a drink, only to find a note set on the breakfast bar.

'I had to talk to a friend, be back later. Love Cami.'

Ava sighed as she scrunched the paper into a ball within her hand. She wanted to know why her sister kept disappearing.
Maybe to the family she had met the day before.
Or to the gangsters alcove she had heard about.
But where Ava wanted to go, where she knew Cami was most likely not.
Was a bar.


Ava was quick to leave. Staying in the old jeans and raglan top she had thrown on in the early hours of the morning.

Her feet hit against the paved slabs of the walk way, her eyes scanning for a bar that tempted her.
Ava passed so many without looking twice.
She guessed she wanted to see more of her city.
But she was being pulled into a direction by desire.
By the sheer will of herself her feet continued to pass bar after bar down the pavement.

Until she stopped.

Outside of the one familiar building in a row of hundreds.

The ancient Abbatoir stood tall, taller than what seemed a thousand of Ava's. Her eyebrows scrunched, why did her body bring her there. Out of all of her childhood memories. Her mind pulled her to the one place she had questioned logic.

Ava shook her head in disbelief, laughing slightly as her gaze tore from the old building and to the opposing shops.
Under some apartments held a bar, not so far from the building she had brought herself to.

Ava pushed straight through the doors, and toward the bar.
"ID." The man stated casually as Ava fell on one of the corresponding bar stools. She sighed, arching her eyebrow in annoyance.

"Are you kidding me?" She retorted, her hand diving into her bag to retrieve her purse.
"I'm 22. Not 5." She muttered, sliding her driving license across the sticky bar surface. The mans fingertips glided underneath the small object, observing it carefully before nodding and handing it back. She smiled cockily, ordering her drink and relishing the quietness absorbing her.
But then it was stripped away.

"What's made you so glum, love?" A British voice asked as a body pushed next to her. Ava sighed as her hair cascaded down her features.
Her head tilted slightly to see the man speaking to her, shock the feeling filling her as she registered the face.

"You're him?" Ava spoke faintly, her fingers spinning the cup within her grasp, like she did when her anxiety over whelmed her. He chuckled half heartedly, Ava could sense something was wrong.

"That I am." He responded, downing the drink he was given. Questions swirled around Ava's mind, one prompting its way to the front.

She took in his appearance, his short curled locks clumped upon his head. His dark satin eyes were distant, separating his smile upon his lips from the blue stained irises.

"And what is your name?" He continued to speak, breaking Ava's assessment. She hummed an 'aaah', swigging the last drop of alcohol from her glass. Klaus cocked his eyebrow, smirking slightly in anticipation. She nodded, a smile toying at her lips.

"I am Ava O'Connell." She stated, her voice drowning into a whisper by the end of her name.

Her last name perked klauses interest, his body tensing ever so slightly, but Ava noticed.

"Yes sister to the mass murderer, niece to the ex priest. Or are you tense because I have relations to Cami? And why was she so adamant on seeing you? Is it because of the reason you are so upset yourself?" Ava queried, reading off any body language she could decipher. Klaus was taken back at first, the similarities between the girls was unnerving, and the fact she read him so well.

Just like Cami.

It was silent for a few moments as klaus collected the thoughts he was just given by a petite blonde.
"You are a lot like your sister, Ava. May I ask what Ava is shortened for?" klaus asked, skimming over his despair for the only thing he cherished most.

The girl next to him grabbed her bag, her free hand clutching a few green slivers of paper.
"You may ask, but I will not answer." Ava replied, the smirk placed smugly on her lips as she rose from her seat. She slid her hand across the surface, exchanging her tip for the bar man and strutting out of the door.

The cold air bit at her slightly exposed skin as Ava carried on walking back in the direction she came.

Little did she know of the world she just fell in to.


Finally, another upload.
Praise the lords. Schools got me fed up. Like everyone. But the last year of this bloody school seems like the hardest. And the worst. All the talk about are the exams in June or the ball we have to dress to impress at.
I mean I love formal codes, but the fact I have to dedicate so much time before hand to plan- noooooo.

Ava finally met klaus. Properly.
Klaus is interested in her but is she interested in him...
Ava's full name is still not known.
I wonder how long that will last.
Sorry but I'm writing this at 6am so it's pretty bad.

Please comment, vote, etc
Sorry for any mistakes.

Thank you for reading.

Goodbye X

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