Chapter twenty three

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Klaus yelled as kol inferred leaving poor little avangaliene in the protection of an army of vampires, a powerful witch and her original accomplice

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Klaus yelled as kol inferred leaving poor little avangaliene in the protection of an army of vampires, a powerful witch and her original accomplice.

"Mere hours I was desiccated for and she had already plunged a knife into her own abdomen, do you really think I would even consider leaving her with you again kol?" Klaus snarled as they fought in the dining room, pretending no one could hear their fighting,
when even Ava could.

"Fine have it your way, but if she's not here I can't do the spell. And then your little play thing becomes our darling sister Rebekah." Kol smirked as the superior words fell from his tongue, he liked being better than klaus- even if it was metaphorically.

"She doesn't leave the compound." And with that order, klaus vanished to track his siblings with the mother of his child.

As soon as the room fell silent Ava went to grab her things to leave. She had barely grasped her jacket when it was tore out of her hands by a cocky witch, the infamous smirk plastered on his lips.

"As much as I would love to disobey and piss of klaus, love. You're needed for the spell." And with that kol left to prepare, still holding her jacket in hand.


Ava had been abandoned.

The witches were preparing for the ritual or something.

The vampire was stalking Camille.

And Camille had disappeared randomly in a desperate attempt to quicken the pace of the spell.

So Ava sat cross legged, itching to go visit the one place she refused to go to upon her arrival.

She just needed to say goodbye.
He never got to.
Not in his last moments.

Cami rushed into the room, her face red and puffed. Ava snapped out of her thoughts and met her sister half way, immediately wrapping her arms around the shaking frame.

"What the hell did you do?" Ava murmured as she squeezed her sister before eventually untangling herself. Cami smiled a subtle smile, clearly her idea was a very bad idea.

"I woke up vincent." She admitted, timidly sighing as her sisters hand met the back of her head.

"You idiot." But both girls laughed, tears already welling in Camis eyes. Ava only had hours left.


Davina finally skidded into the room, her hair clinging to her chapped lips as her gaze met avas. The girls rose expectantly, Cami already pulling Ava toward the room without waiting for a reply. Davina nodded to the siblings, a smile subtly tugging on her lips.

"It's time."

Cami anxiously pulled her sister down the staircase after Davina. Ava remained quiet, expecting the twist and downfall of their plan.
She had to be a pessimist sometimes, her sister had too much hope.

A tall blonde, holding as many mikealson features as the rest of them, stood beside kol with an inquisitive look toward the two blondes.

Ava couldn't help but feel nervous with the amount of prying eyes, her footing stumbling as she finally reached the bottom of the staircase.
She was not expecting for klaus to be home so soon.

Cami whispered something inaudible before slipping off next to Marcel. Leaving Ava to be bombarded by a perky blonde. Rebekah instantly flashed infront of her, taking her chin as if she was a young child and inspecting her features.

"She'll do nicely." Rebekah noted before red veins popped under her eyes and her teeth morphed into snarling canines.

Ava quickly swatted her away with a slap and stepped backward, her eyes narrowing toward the original she did know.

"Are you serious?"
She bit out, her glare intensifying as klaus chuckled.

"Rebekah try not to kill the person we are trying to protect." Klaus informed his sister, and even though he had chuckled previously, his tone was serious.

"I thought you said it was an O'Connell?" Rebekah retorted sending a quick smile to Cami.

Ava scoffed, the resemblance to the pair was uncanny, how could 'Rebekah' not know the blood relatives.

"Ava O'Connell, haven't decided yet if it's a pleasure to meet you." Ava greeted the new vampire, extending her hand and pretending her life wasn't going to end in a matter of hours. Rebekah smiled, immediately liking the Sarcy girl who stood before her.

"Well then, we better hop to it. Nic can't lose anybody else, now can he?" Rebekah laughed as she shook the hand infront of her apprehensively and strutting away from the group.

Klaus narrowed his gaze toward his sister as she left the room, immediately following suit.

"Now dear sister, that wasn't very nice, was it?" He muttered, chasing the girl across the courtyard.

Ava thought back to what Rebekah had said, her mind lingering on the nickname.

Nic... she liked that.


I know it's a day late.
I'm sorry! These chapters are just a bit writers blocked. So I'm sorry if they're shit right now.

I've also got to worry about prom so my life is very imbalanced with stress. 😂😅

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Goodbye x

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