Chapter eleven

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Stone cold

Her crystal shaded eyes fluttered open weakly

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Her crystal shaded eyes fluttered open weakly.

A searing pain came flooding back into her body as she felt her body within a bone crushing hold and her skin penetrated by her neck.

The blood, although crusted and dried, still emitted a putrid stench which wove itself delicately through the air.

Her head hung low, the only reason why she was standing was the force of her captor. She could feel her hair knitting together, forming obscure knots that she would regret later.

Ava still wore the night dress under the coat, although most of her skin was covered by the large material, her body still shivered from the cold.

She was brought back into reality as she heard a malicious laugh escape from the mans lips behind her. It was soon followed by a body barrelling through the doors, heading straight for them.

Mikael grasped ahold of Ava's long hair and thrashed her head backward. The pain was evident in her eyes as she winced and whimpered.
And then something cold hit her skin.

A knife.

Placed intricately by the wound she had obtained and where it would easily kill her.

Klaus rose the makeshift stake up toward his father with as much hatred he could muster.

"You're going to pay for hurting her. And for even fathoming to hurt Camille." Klaus bit out in anger, his eyes solid ice as the white anger flared.


The previous evening, before dawn had broken, klaus had returned to the unconscious witch and the eldest O'Connell. He was amused at the teenage witches state, yet less amused that his father had disappeared.

That was when Camis phone rang.

She took it without hesitancy after watching the ID flash on the screen. "How are you doing?" Cami asked straight away after leaving her sister in a drunken state.
She had no answer.

Instead she heard the murmurs of a conversation she was not involved in. Klaus heard the familiar voice from his estranged ear, but before he could react something far worse happened.

Screams erupted through the speaker, yet were muffled by the distance and the hand clasped around Ava's mouth. Cami shouted down the line for someone to respond.

Her eyes widened as she realised not even a girl, who knew nothing, could be kept astray from the mikealsons wrath.


Mikael laughed again.

The grip he held on the weakened O'Connell leaving and her near lifeless body clattered to the cold damp floor. Klaus could only watch the petite girl as he saw the pain in her eyes, he could sense the fear in her yet it was masked over by every drop of blood that had left her body.

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