Chapter thirty six

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Im not like you

Ava's head hung low as she slipped into the compound, clutching her arms as the bitter cold weeped under the sun

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Ava's head hung low as she slipped into the compound, clutching her arms as the bitter cold weeped under the sun.

she didn't want to speak the words she would soon have to. To relinquish the small happiness she had left.

But it wasn't her choice to make.
She couldn't allow Cami to lose someone else.

"Nik? I need to talk to you!" Ava called through the empty halls until she finally stood in the threshold between her and the immortals.

She couldn't bare to cross for what it signified.

"Ah- avangaline! The one person who would never betray me, come on in love." Klaus sung, confused at her hesitancy as he pulled her in to the room himself.

There sat Rebekah mikealson, imitating Eva saintclare with the brown locks and dark skin. Elijah stood near her, a loving stare flickering between Ava and the stranger.

The stranger.

Ava didn't like the feeling she had when they matched gazes. It was a feeling of darkness, just by the pain stained into her irises- Ava could tell this person had been horrifically tortured.

"Hello, I'm Freya." She hummed, watching the recognition wash through the girls features.

Freya mikealson.

The girl klaus could not bring himself to trust. And therefore Ava felt she could not trust her either.

She looked between the new sibling and the hybrid, her eyes wide as the blue pooled with confusion.

The man beside her stepped infront, his hand still laced with hers. Ava couldn't pull her hand out of his.

"I don't think you need to make an acquaintance of Ava because you won't be seeing her again, dear sister." Klaus muttered, his glare digging into the fair blonde who resided by his own brother.

Ava tiptoed on her feet, raising just high enough to talk quietly with the hybrid.

"Nic, I didn't come here to befriend the newest mikealson. I need to talk to you." She whispered, falling back onto the balls of her feet as klauses head tilted to listen.

"Well then, I best be off- my lady needs me." And with that he was dragging Ava back through the threshold and across the hall. Just as she passed the doorway, her head turned back to the family.

"I am not his lady."


The room was eerily quiet as klaus pushed open the door. The fireplace roared with life and emitted a warm hue that Ava just wanted to lunge herself in.
The conversation was not going to be taken well.

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