Chapter nine

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Ava awoke From her deep slumber when she heard the door close

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Ava awoke From her deep slumber when she heard the door close.
Her eyelids fluttered and her lips parted to yawn as her vision blurred into focus.

The clock placed above the fireplace indicated it was early in the morning, too early for Ava's liking. But even so, she pushed the blanket off of her body, emitting her bare skin to the cold air, and she stumbled up in one big stretch.

She could hear slight murmurs from down the hallway, which slowly grumbled into a shout and then into clattering of objects.
Ava was scared, she had no clue what was going on. One moment her sister was persuading her to stay with a creepy family, the next moment she awoke with a blanket randomly placed on her in her slumber and the smashing of objects in the background.

Quick witted, Ava stumbled to the door and yanked the handle. The door easily opened, yet for some reason Ava could not leave. Her body stood there staring at the vacant hallway, her mind telling her to fill the area with her presence.
Yet when she tried to move,
when she told herself to make that last step. Her legs refused.

Ava muttered in confusion as she tried again. And again. Something was off, she tried several times to pass the threshold, to walk past the small line in between both spaces. But her body would not move.

The banging got louder, the noises increasing and increasing until it was unbearable for Ava to stand by.

"hello?" Ava yelled down into the hallway, "whose there?" She continued to shout until the noises ceased.

Out of hope Ava tried again to move, yet still felt the pull back inside the room. The insistence for her to stay in the small space.

Soon after the noises stopped a body came barrelling into the hallway, storming toward the girl. Anger threaded through the air, evident to the O'Connell before the face was apparent and recognisable.

Fear was the first emotion that flooded Ava's body, the unsettling feeling that danger was bounding its way toward her. The next emotion was confusion, her eyes widened as the person stepped into the light.

Their hair stuck to their forehead from sweat, their eyes flaring with white rage, something Ava hadn't seen in a long time. In her brother.

The final emotion was relief, something deep in Ava clicking and the sense of allowance to do as she wished came seeping back.

"Ava love, where is Elijah?" The bitterness exuding off of his tone shocked Ava. It was unfamiliar yet the face was. The girl looked back down at the threshold, her body willing her now to pass, unlike before.

Her foot shakily moved against the floor, stepping over the line that she refused to step over before.
"Klaus?" Ava asked concerned, although her body was stiff from nerves.

Klauses eyes flared once more with white rage before Ava was pinned against the wall, an arm pushed against her chest.
"Where is Elijah?" Klaus roared an inhuman roar, almost wolf like.

Yet Ava stayed tense, her eyes wide from shock with the fast pace between each movement to get her into that position. She spluttered a cough before she felt the grip loosen slightly, it obviously affected the man how he hurt her.

"I don't know. He left with a girl." Ava coughed out, each breath harder to take. Niklaus sighed as he dropped his grip and stood back from the close proximity.

"Who was she? Was she a brunette, oozing with ambiguity and ignorance?" Klaus snarled, his eyes still ice cold with the white fire behind each pupil. Ava tried to recollect the women she had briefly encountered, her head slowly nodding as she remembered the obnoxious brunette.

Ava was brought out of her train of thought with a sigh from the man in front of her as he took off his coat. "What are you doing?" Ava asked slightly confused, her eyebrows furrowed until she reminded herself of her outfit.

"I am taking you home but I'm not quite sure Cami would appreciate such attire." Klaus stated, taking off of his coat and handing it to the petite blonde.

It was not that he disliked the girls outfit, no he very much liked the choosing of clothes. It was the fact if Ava was to return home in such a thing or in fact walk outside, she would gain some unwanted glances. Unwanted from Ava and and unwanted from klaus.

Ava was quick to wrap the coat around her small body, grasping at each side to cover as much as she could. She bowed her head and started to approach the exit as she felt a hand along her back, guiding her the correct way.

Neither of the pair acknowledged Elijah disappearance as a danger,
nor expected both mikealson parents to return home so soon.


Damn this book is getting some love over 360 reads and before it was just over 150 something I think.

It's amazing and I love all you little vampire loving people. The quiet readers along with the noisy readers to share the love.

Mikael and Esther are returning in the following episodes, so they will be in the following chapters I should think. How much longer until Ava finds out everything, and who will she be pissed off with about it?

Shout outs to:

Thanks for all the love guys.

Please comment vote and add to all them lovely reading lists.
Hopefully an update soon seeming how half term I around the corner.

Thank you for reading,
Sorry for any mistakes,
Goodbye X

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