Chapter Ninety Five

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The worlds best Grandparents

The sun dipped across the sky line as dawn broke, cascading across the black sunroof that stood between them and the only security camera that worked

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The sun dipped across the sky line as dawn broke, cascading across the black sunroof that stood between them and the only security camera that worked.

"Absolutely not." Nik muttered as his partner slinked up toward him, a baseball cap in hand. A light grin pulled at avas lips as she twirled the hat in her hand, smug at her small forms of payback.

The pair were growing away from what had broken them, leaving aurora and the pain she brought within the walls of the abattoir. Still, Ava always found small ways to annoy him. Something that would last an eternity.

"You have to blend in Nik." She sung smugly, reaching up to cover the mess of hair. 'Worlds best grandad' was scrawled across the front in bold white writing, clear as day upon his head.

"You could start by losing that $1000 jacket." Haley added to avas comment, a motherly pointed gaze narrowing toward the pair. The blonde nodded in agreement, already shaking the coat off of her partners frame, eager to annoy him in the early hours of the morning.

"Tell me again why we're on a scenic tour of methamphetamine county, and not compelling a jet to some far off, preferably tropical, destination." Nik huffed, focus on the hybrid mother as he let Ava take his jacket.

The young vampire smiled at the thought, wrapping his coat around her shoulders before either adult could protest. The fabric shrouded her frame, drowning it in a sea of black fabric as she pulled at it to cover her stomach.

"I'm not the one with an army of pissed off vampires after me! Can I have the keys now?" Haley interjected, nose scrunched up in irritation. She had to leave her life behind to benefit Hope in knowing her father, and it wasn't as if she had anything to leave behind. But still, the way they travelled was the only control she could gain in their new venture. And so klaus wasn't allowed even a slither of opinion on where they went.

"On a scale of 1-10 how much am I going to hate this little plan of yours?" He sighed as Haley swept up the keys from his grasp, already running up to the side of the car.

"I'm gonna say a solid 85." She smirked back, matching the grin plastered on avas skin. The blonde nodded in agreement, blue eyes crinkling as the hybrid turned toward her.

"You don't even know the plan." He quipped, pulling at his coat until she stumbled forward.

"Hmm well I don't have to be Haley to know you'll hate anything you haven't planned yourself." Ava observed, head arched backward so she could see his reaction. A soft scoff lodged in Niks throat at the comment, eyes jokingly narrowed as she let out a small laugh. A light and delicate kiss sprouted from the quiet moment, both taking advantage of the silence to revel in where they were.

"Stay here." Nik whispered, disappearing from in front of Ava before she could retort. He had only gone for a few passing seconds but still she let confusion wash over her. What was so important that he had to get in a gas station?

"No. I am not wearing that!" She gasped as he whipped out a new baseball cap, suddenly smug with achievement as he pulled the hat down upon her head. "Worlds best grandma?!" Ava whined, lip jutted out as she pouted at the words scrawled across her hat.

"Quite fitting don't you think? Now we match." Nik beamed, amused at the new look adorning his love.

"Are you two done?" Haley called out as the car window slid down beside them, eyebrow cocked at the two matching supernaturals seemingly lost in humour. Ava nodded and slid back into the passenger seat, gaze pointed toward the hybrid as he gawked in disbelief.

"You can sit in the back after that performance. Freaking best grandma my ass."


A small and grotesque bar was their next stop, filled with the smell of wet dog and moist air that clung to each crevice of each wall. It took all of Avas focus not to recoil at the stench, her young vampiric mind not yet accustomed to the smell of a werewolf. With a forced gulp of air she covered her face with the large black coat, eyes screwed shut as she leant down against the counter.

"We're closed." Came a gruff voice from behind the bar, tone filled with nothing other than spite.

"You don't look closed." Nik beamed as he slid next to his Fiancé, not bothering to hide his amusement from her behaviour.

There had always been a distinct difference between the scent of a hybrid and that of a werewolf. Their vampire half sweetened by blood and by death, mixing with the forest air and animal like smell that lingered on the wolf.

"We are for you." The sharp retort snapped forward his focus, the small chuckles dying at the back of his throat as he stared down the foe behind the counter.

The man was unshaven and unkempt, top littered with beer stains and creased with each sudden movement. Maybe Klaus was being a bit judgemental, or maybe this man really didn't know what a shower was.

"Well perhaps you failed to notice the hats." He shot back, a hand patting the top of avas head as the baseball cap sunk lower onto her skull. Before either Mikaelson could begin to bicker, Haley had leant forward to gain attention. Her eyes almost glinting a perfect gold.

"I'll take a bourbon, unless Hollis is still serving that moonshine of his." She shrugged with furrowed brows, awaiting for the welcome she had hoped would greet them all at the door. She should've known better, bringing two hybrids and a baby vamp into wolf territory.

"Well I'll be damned! It's been a long time since you danced on my bar Haley Marshall!" A new voice hollered across the bar. The small burly man bounced across the floor with each heavy step, his eyes glistening at the thought Haley Marshall was back in town.

Ava shot her partner a funny look, eyebrow lofted as she silently pleaded for an explanation. All Nik did in response was flick her hat, watching the soft glare suddenly flit through the blondes features.

"It's been a long time since I danced on any bar."

All four pairs of eyes flickered down to the baby still nestled within her car seat. Her blue eyes shone so brightly Ava was almost convinced they had been gifted by the sea herself. A child born with three supernatural abilities, it wouldn't be a surprise if somehow spirits wanted part of her too.

"We don't normally allow little vamps in here you know." The man drawled out, careful not to aggravate the slim blonde that was clearly reeling from the aroma that incased his home.

"Don't worry about me, I'm very well mannered. You won't even know I'm dead." She hummed with a soft smirk pulling at the corners of her lips, winking toward the man who seemed to have his mood lightened at her lack of impulsivity. Something in which Ava was fighting every second she stayed sat lolling about in that bar.


Half a milli lads!!

So who else has been kidnapped by Draco tiktok?

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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