Chapter fourteen

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Foolish behaviour

The three were chatting and laughing profusely, Ava was able to cover up her unease carefully by dowsing her sorrows back with bourbon, the classic old man drink

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The three were chatting and laughing profusely, Ava was able to cover up her unease carefully by dowsing her sorrows back with bourbon, the classic old man drink.

"So how would you diagnose my friend klaus, if I may ask?" Cami wondered making the dark toned witch chuckle with enthusiasm to rant about his brother.

Ava went tense by the name.

She did not know why, when those correlation of letters formed and fell from someone's lips her body seemed to swell with a gut feeling she had yet to understand.

She felt foolish, because there she was in on a plan to help marcel, and all her mind went back to was the annoyingly short tempered original with the brightest of blue eyes and the infamous family smirk.

Her grip tightened around her glass as she swirled the liquid around its containment before launching the remainder down her throat in a bid to forget the hybrid.

"Do you stay in touch with them?" Cami asked politely, obviously the conversation had diverted whilst Ava was lost in her thoughts. Vincent looked between the pair uncomfortably something was off and he had admired both so much.

"In a matter of speaking. We're not particularly as close as you two." Vincent noted, his hand spinning the ring that was placed upon his finger.

It basically screamed witchy woo to Ava.

"And your parents are they still around?" Ava observed, her role was to look at the body language but she couldn't help to join in, the satisfaction of making him feel the same way as she had felt earlier that day.

"Are we prying? Oh god we are prying aren't we?" Ava laughed falsely, her eyes skimming over his features as she placed her glass down.

"All this talk about family Camille when you so recently scolded me on boundaries..." Vincent stated nonchalantly, his tone malice- similar to his brothers.

Cami looked between the pair for a split second before resting back against the booth.
"Just searching for some coping mechanisms. Trying to learn from the master." She laughed, sipping the drink she had delicately  reserved.

Vincent quirked his eyebrow and Ava knew then he had caught on to a strand of their plan. Her eyes darted in between the back door and the man, deciphering a back up plan.

"Is that so?" Vincent queried still holding the incessant smile. Cami turned her expression to apologetic, her finger clasping around her purse.

"Look if I've offended you, im sorry." Cami smiled, carefully looking at both on the table as Ava was passed a new drink.

By a second the liquid had vanished.

"You haven't offended me. It's just... you both seem so on edge." Vincent informed the girls, seeing the sense of alertness drain from a Ava's eyes as the liquid slipped through her lips.

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