Chapter eighty two

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treasure hunt

Rows upon rows of burials littered the woodland ground, as if for miles Freya Mikaelsons memorial was celebrated

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Rows upon rows of burials littered the woodland ground, as if for miles Freya Mikaelsons memorial was celebrated. And yet only one out of hundreds did she lay.

"Bloody theatrical bitch." Ava spat, grabbing the shovel left idly beside a tree. Klaus stopped beside her, grunting himself when he saw the extent of auroras doings. They had such little time to find the right place, and one too many wrong thoughts would cause the end.

"Pass me the shovel love." Klaus shook his hand as Ava began to dig, dirt flying through the air with each sharp exhale. She ignored him for a few moments, waiting for him to move on, but his arrogance had him stood waiting for a reply.

"There's only one shovel Niklaus, do the math.
You're half wolf aren't you? Go dig a hole." Their bickering scattered across the forest floor as they dug and dug, throwing empty casket after empty casket to the floor.

The scent had slowly gotten stronger, and for a moment Ava hadn't known why. But the smell of fresh blood to any vampire was enticing, and that upon one of the many flowers was a sign. A very witchy sign.

"Niklaus." Ava called, chucking the shovel his way because even she couldn't deny his brute strength when tested. In a blur of dirt and leaves the grave had been cleared and the wooden box finally visible. With baited breath, the two flung open the casket lid, silently begging for Freya to finally be safe. And there she was.

A small smile on her face as she greeted her family with the last morsel of energy she had retained.
"I never doubted you for a second."


Ava slammed the cabin doors open with a smooth kick, storming the place with a pierced gaze. Klaus and Freya followed, the latter injured and barely conscious. And Niklaus could no longer retain the feisty blonde from her just dessert, the revenge she was waiting for.

"Right you lunatic bitch, time to stop threatening my family." Ava seethed, breaking a table leg and aiming it at the woman who took her life.

"You brought her?" Aurora whined, wide eyes glancing back at Niklaus as if she wanted him to deal with her enemy.

"She brought herself." He corrected, hiding the smirk that came with Ava's fierce tone.

"I guess you haven't told her then." Aurora grinned pityingly, cocking her head in amusement.

"And you can look at me when speaking to me, understand?" The newly turned vampire demanded, waving the half formed stake at the unphased psycho. Ava furrowed her brows and pursed her lips, trying to let the vicious words of her enemy roll off of her like water. But even she had a morbid curiosity to what she had to say.

"You declare your undying love, and yet you still slept with me niklaus. Didn't you?" Aurora shook the gun in her grasp, fighting lunacy as her love fought against her anger.

Ava froze, glancing back as Nik let Freya lean against the door frame. He silently begged for her not to listen. But the sense of truth to her tone had already staked him in the heart. He gently walked toward the stand off, ignoring Ava's pained gaze and hand outstretched as if he were ready to take the gun himself.

"The bullets Niklaus, they're white oak." Elijah noted calmly, eyeing the blonde that kept silent as she contemplated .

"We both know you won't pull the trigger." Klaus soothed, hiding his worry with a smirk and his pain with soft words.

"Oops. Wrong again." With her sinister voice, sounded a bullet. In seconds Klaus had pushed the pair to the floor and Freya had made sure the bullet didn't scathe their skin.

Ava watched the pathetic girl speed away, her pent up anger throbbing in her bones. Without a train of thought, she chased her through the house, not caring about how bad the consequences were.



Merry Christmas

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