Chapter sixty nine

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Mourning loss

Ava tucked her knees under her chin and stared at the image on her lock screen of her and Camille

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Ava tucked her knees under her chin and stared at the image on her lock screen of her and Camille. She had cried until there were no more tears to leak down her cheeks, instead her body had grown stiff with her own grief.

"What will I tell Cami?" She whispered, her eyes low and void.

"She warned me about this, she told me to be careful. I failed her." Avas words rolled off her tongue in one long syllable, her lips chapped.

"You didn't fail her, she is proud of you Avangeline." Nik whispered, the pad of his thumb rolling down her cheek to try and emit warmth to her skin.

"And now, I have to leave her." Ava whimpered, the harsh reality only then properly setting on her shoulders.


Avangeline groaned as another wave of pain bombarded her body, her fingers trembling as they dragged down her skin in a way to release the pain.

"The longer you wait, the more you'll suffer." Klaus analysed as he walked into the room, a hand tucked away in his jacket.

"Shut up Nik." Ava muttered, raising from her seat.

"Its better this way, I'll make one hell of a hot corpse." She grinned with a sly smirk, her fear trapped underneath her skin.

"Ava." Klaus threatened, balling his shaking hands into fists.

"I don't want Cami to know, I don't want her to worry. So its up to you to prepare my wake." Ava declared, threading her fingers together with a heavy breath.

"stop." Klaus demanded in a low whisper, a yellow hue flashing in his irises.

"An open bar, and there has to be dancing. But please make sure Cami doesn't dance after she's had a drink, you know how she is." Ava chuckled dryly, attempting to ignore her erratic frame.

"Stop it." He screamed, storming toward the girl with anger boiling under his skin.

"I will not entertain this kind of talk any longer. You must feed." he reprimanded, dropping a bottle of crimson blood into her hands.

"I need you, Ava." He whispered, tucking a blonde strand back behind her ear. Ava stared at his pleading eyes and down to the enticing substance ensnarled in her grip.

"No." Ava muttered, letting go of the intoxicating bottle. Ava shuddered away from Klaus' hold, eyes soft with grief.

"I don't know what I'll be, but if I become something against my morals. I wouldn't be me." Ava argued with a quiet voice, ignoring the gnawing pain clinging to her throat.

"You would. You would be the same Avangaline I have fallen in love with, the same Avangaline who is too stubborn for her own good. You'd just be an extension of who you are now. You'll be able to protect yourself." Klaus pleaded, his body raw with a thriving pain as the pair stood on opposing sides. Ava sighed, all emotions flooding from her skin.

"If you really believe that, Niklaus. You don't really know me."


Ava was going to finish her last day by simply sitting in a corner cafe with a brioche and hot chocolate. She wanted to die on her own terms, not by someone else's. But Klaus had other ideas, in one fell swoop he was pulling her out of the room and toward another.

"Let go of me." She panicked, clawing at his grip as he easily moved her away from the exit.

"I'm afraid I don't have time to be delicate, love." Klaus retorted as he flung the petite blonde across the room. Ava snarled as she went to storm away, anger pulsing through her veins. But a force pushed her backward, a blue hue shaking through room.

"What have you done?" She spat, her face dropping as the realisation hit her like a tonne of bricks.

"I had Freya create a boundary spell." He replied nonchalantly, already turning to leave the room. Ava scoffed, her hands pressing against the invisible wall.

"Do not leave me here, Niklaus." She roared, slamming her fist against the boundary with a growl. Nik froze, and Ava could almost see the roll of his eyes as he turned.

"I cannot wage war if I am worried about you, and I will not entertain any thought of letting you die. you should know that from the ring still shining on your finger." He argued, pointing toward the gem encased around silver.

Ava growled, slamming her fist against the barrier once again, but her body was already becoming weaker. It was as if each intake of air fled before it could reach her lungs, as if her heart had already given up beating.

"Don't do this Nik, I can't forgive you." She mumbled, tears scratching at the corners of her eyes. Klaus fought away the sympathy with blind grief, he wouldn't lose the love of his life when they hadn't even been given a chance to love.

He wouldn't let Aurora win.

"If you get hungry whilst I'm out, there is some blood laid out for you. O negative, with just a hint of copper aftertaste." Klaus was already leaving, smugly storming toward the exit with the upmost confidence ava would stay in his life forever.

"You are a liar Niklaus, you promised me that you wouldn't take my morals away."

With his hand on the threshold of the doorway and something dark painted in his ice irises, he turned back a final time.

"I once said I loved you, Avangaline. That was not a lie."



Sorry for such a late upload.

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