Chapter fifteen

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Forest hikes

Ava crept through the apartment, her feet delicately tiptoeing a silent dance to the exit

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Ava crept through the apartment, her feet delicately tiptoeing a silent dance to the exit.

Cami was still sound asleep.
Unaware her sister was about to leave with the biggest threat the girl was put under.
But for some reason Ava had began to see things differently.

Ava knew that Klaus, although still weary about allowing the smaller girl to know everything, would end up revealing the truth.

Where as Cami, her only parental figure, continuously felt the need to keep the little O'Connell bubble wrapped in safety.
And it had become suffocating.

Ava grasped the handle and flung the door open in the quietest way possible, her lips smirking slightly at her success. Until her eyes drifted up.

"Bloody hell." Ava almost shouted toward the blonde British man leaning against the wall opposite.
He cocked an eyebrow in question at the girl, the scene being quite amusing.

"And I got so far." She muttered, quickly checking for any sound of her sister awakening.
She was still knocked out.

After Ava sighed in relief as she slipped into the hallway and fell back against the door.
It reminded Ava of her teenage years.

The original tutted,
"running away, love?" His smirk was radiating off of his tone, oozing with every accented word.

Ava scowled, pushing her weight back on to the balls of her feet.
"I prefer a one day holiday." Ava responded before bouncing down the hallway, soon followed by a 6ft something hybrid.


The pair pushed past branches of the closely intertwined trees that forged the forest. The foliage was far too overbearing as it fell from each twig and onto the floor, creating the constant crunching noises under each step.

"I must say your outfit seems quite fitting." Klaus laughed as they continued on their search. The flowers lacing each trunk not the right breed he needed to acquire.
Ava turned her head back slightly to see the man, their smirks beginning to match.

He was right, Ava had thrown on unkempt and old jeans along with a flannel. Her hair was easily tied back in a French braid draping down her shoulder, strand after strand easily spewing out from each knot.

"What can I say." Ava stated, a smug tone bouncing off of each tree they had passed. "I'm a fashion icon."

As they trekked deeper into the bayou Ava had began to become disoriented. The trees each held similar branches and leaves, each colour autumnal and dulling.

Silence grew as thick as the canopy between each step. The only sound the pattering of Ava's heart and the crunch of leaves underneath their boots.

"I am quite surprised however, that you asked to join, love." Klaus finally spoke up, refreshing the brittle air.

Ava's footing stumbled as she continued on her path, her head tilting sideways to glance at the man who then had his full attention on her.

"Why?" Ava queried, knowing full well of his inclinations. Klaus sighed as he batted away several leaves from hitting his face.

"Because I've killed people." He stated abruptly, the words as sharp as the fangs that penetrated his gums.
Ava didn't flinch at his words.

"My brothers killed people." She counteracted, her gaze digging into his frame once again as she turned back.

"I am a monster." Klaus continued, an unsettling yet refreshing feeling swirling in his stomach at her lack of fear.

"I'm pretty sure I turn into a monster once a month too." Ava retorted, a mischievous grin pulling at her lips.

Klaus glared at the girl before, in one swift movement, she was pinned up against a tree.

"This is not something to joke about Avangaline." Klaus had the girl trapped in between his frame and the bark, baring witness as the girls mouth dropped.

In a way he thought it was a success, yet another person feared him, not able to get under his skin.
But that victory was short lived.

"How do you know my name." Ava gaped, the words rolling off of her tongue in pure shock, disregarding the fact of his inhuman pace. Klaus sighed as he released the girl from his hold and carried on walking.

A small smirk beginning to appear back on his lips.
"I have my ways avangaline." He accentuated each letter that extended her name, forcing Ava to listen.

She sped her pace slightly to match his, grabbing on to his arm to pull him back.
"Seriously it's not funny. Stop." Ava pleaded, her tone firm and clearly annoyed the one thing she had privatised was no longer a secret.

Klaus was bewildered by her frustration caused by her name, it was not a bizarre name.
"And yet you surprise me once again love, you seem far more upset I have acquired your name rather than upset from being pinned against a tree." Klaus noted, his ears perking to the sudden snap of twigs that came from neither a foot of his own or avas.

Ava cocked her eyebrow at the man, but the truth was she barely knew the answer herself.
Maybe it was because she thought klaus wouldn't hurt her.
Or the fact her brother was linked to it all far before meeting the mikaelsons, unsettling her already.

Ava was about to make a sarky comment back, to mimic his brutally attractive tone. But before she could klaus had appeared in front of her, a hand clasping around her lips lightly.

That time she jumped.

Her eyebrows furrowed, knitting together as her frustration grew.
Klaus simply put a finger to his lips, his eyes bouring into her own.

"Stay here." He whispered, disappearing into thin air before she had time to negotiate.


I'm trying to split the forest part into segments because I got carried away and wrote a bit too much for it. So I apologise.

This week, like I said in my other book, had been catastrophic...
You wouldn't believe the drama that goes on in the world on my life. And it's not even my drama, it's stuff I apparently have to be dragged into.

On a better note,
This book has got so much love in a smaller amount of time than my other book. We are on chapter 15 and it has already got this much love! Let's keep it going!!!

Speaking of love-
Shout outs go to:

Want a shoutout?
Make yourself visible to moi!

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Thank you for reading,

Goodbye X

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