Chapter six

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Rolling tins

After a gruelling long hour of labour in a convenient store, Ava was back out into the crisp air, arms wrapped  around 3 bags of food

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After a gruelling long hour of labour in a convenient store, Ava was back out into the crisp air, arms wrapped  around 3 bags of food.

It was nearing the end of mid day but the cold air biting at her bare skin reminded her easily of night.

If it were not for the Suns speckles of light dotting through the clouds, Ava would have thought it was. Her feet slopped sluggishly against the paved slabs of the pavement, her head down, focusing on keeping the bags within her grip.

Which she failed as a gust of wind wrapped around her like a blanket.

Her hair whipped into her face, tendrils slashing into her mouth as her lips parted in a gasp. For a brief moment her hands lost their grip on the brown paper bags.

That was enough for the objects to barrel out of its casing and tumble to the floor.
"I would like to vent." A British voice materialised behind Ava. Her whole body jumped from shock, causing the remaining food products to land onto the near desolate pavement.

"Bloody hell." Ava half yelled, her body crouching to grab the rolling away tins. She didn't need to see the body to know who the voice belonged to.

Three steps echoed into the air, and after those three steps the person who spoke had kneeled in front of Ava, helping to retrieve the objects.

"I didn't mean to startle you, love." The man responded to her outburst, delicately placing the products within the luckily unbroken brown paper bag. Ava's gaze ripped from the floor for a mere moment, her eyes vicious and cold.

"Then don't appear out of nowhere." She bit back, pulling her gaze back down to the street after commenting. Klaus smirked at her tone, the sisters were so much alike.

He had no idea if Ava knew about the whole supernatural ordeal, and if she didn't how she hadn't caught on something was wrong. 

Once the bags were re packed, Ava hauled them into her arms and stretched her legs straight. The silence was unbearable, but she reminded herself of what Cami wished.

"What do you want klaus?" She asked in exhaustion, shifting the bags as they slipped slightly. Klaus smirked, offering to take one with gestures, which Ava declined.

"Like I said before, I need to vent. And I can not find Camille anywhere." He stated casually, brushing the dirt away from his clothes as it attempted to stick to the fabric.
Ava's eyebrows arched,
what had that to do with her?

She blew a free strand from her face with a huff and stared blankly at the man in front of her.
"So?" Ava prodded, tired of the conversation already.

Klaus chuckled, the sapphire stained orbs he owned brightening slightly. "You are an O'connell are you not? Don't they tend to have a knack for understanding things?" Klaus chortled, watching her reaction carefully.
Ava scoffed, shaking her head patronisingly.

"Um no." She responded slowly, finally letting her feet wonder off.
Klaus quickly followed her actions, much to her dismay.

"Do you ever get the feeling someone will never leave you alone. As if every time you take them down, they just appear in a different form." Klaus ignored Ava's decline for speaking to him, instead just letting his mouth open and the words fall out.

Ava laughed slightly at his statement. The situation present at that time sounded oddly similar.
"I'm getting that feeling right now." Ava snickered, readjusting her grip on the bags and stumbling down the street with a insistent British man by her side. Klaus huffed at her comment, his smirk still tugging at his lips.

"You're hilarious." He told her sarcastically, his gaze fixated on her, yet Ava's wasn't. She laughed slightly, the first genuine laugh since klaus spoke to her.

He could see her shoulders loosen and hear her heart rate match the rhythm of her chest.

"I am aren't I?" She smirked, her eyes flickering to look at her acquaintance. A cough lodged in her throat as she thought of Cami,
was she home?
Was this a test?
Was Cami mad at her because some how she knew?

Klaus heard her heart rate pick up, the thumping against her rib cage filling the silence.
Well, just filling his silence.

"What's wrong, love?" Klaus asked, noticing her big eyes widen, and her rouge lips part.

Silence was spread thick in the air once again.
Ava was grasping for words, but none were to fall from her mouth.

Her footing stumbled as she stopped suddenly, noticing the large building she was in front of.
She decided to change the topic.

"I think if this person has connection issues. They obviously don't want to sever their link with you. Do they have some unresolved problem with you?" Ava observed, backing into the door that blocked her from her apartment building.

Klaus was bewildered by the sudden change on subject. He did begin that part of the conversation, but it had led to something else, and he wasn't sure why it circled back.

"What?" He asked confused, pushing the door back so it didn't slam into Ava's face.
But he didn't go through the door.

"What you said earlier. I'm telling you my opinion." Ava reiterated, smirking slightly as she moved awkwardly with a her hands full toward the lift.
Klaus mumbled slightly, something about his mother having unresolved issues was true.
But Ava couldn't quite hear him, so she shook off her curiosity and extended her finger carefully to press the lift button.

"Well thank you Ava O'Connell. I'll have to see you for venting more often." As the words left klauses lips, it was obvious Ava flinched.
Avoiding klaus had just become so much harder.

The elevator doors finally opened, which the blonde was thankful for immensely. Ava sauntered into the small room, turning to see a slightly confused man by the doorway.

"Goodbye klaus."
And then the doors shut.


Well well well, aren't I just an updating little maniac.
Is Ava going to stay away from klaus or is she going to betray her word to her sister. Who knows...

Hope you liked this chapter, please comment and vote!
Shout outs for this book from the love it receives are my thing I guess. So shout out to @forever_lauryn

Thank you for reading and voting,
Sorry for any mistakes,

Bye X

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