Chapter thirty four

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Normal people never save the day

Normal people never save the day

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Ava shot upright.

Her lips were parted and immediately she searched for the lost breath within her lungs with a gasp.

Tears had stained her cheeks, drying her skin like the sun to the sand.
The images replayed in her head, the stench of blood still ingested in her stomach.

Her hand ripped from the person who was holding it firmly, tentatively rubbing the scar outline as if to wipe it away.

Then she remembered why she had woken so abruptly, why her body felt commanded to open her eyes before the end.

Ava's eyes slitted and she pushed herself to the other side of the bed, leaping out as if poison laced the covers.

Klaus was silent.

"You went in to my head." Ava spat, pushing away the stray strands clinging to her chapped lips.

"Because you were in pain." Klaus commented, his eyes blaring an Icey flame.

"I was sleeping! It's called a nightmare." Ava yelled, her hands frantically trying to form a gesture that would fit with her anger.

There wasn't any.

"Oh so I was supposed to let you writhe in pain, cry in agony and just walk away?" Klaus rose his tone to the same level, his eyes slitted as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yes! Like any other normal person would when they see someone having a nightmare!"

"Well love, I'm not exactly normal!" The hybrid stated, his tone laced with cynical humour he found in her words.

"No, don't make excuses! This is something you shouldn't have done. Something you knew I would hate you for!" klaus tried to near her, a slight smug tightening on his lips.

"That's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think love? Hate me just for one action?" He chuckled, attempting to lose the gap between them- but Ava had other things plaguing her mind.

The girl jumped back over the bed, throwing a pillow toward the hybrid to allow her to move.

Klaus sighed, dropping the pillow that had hit his chest- an eyebrow raised. In a second he was in front of the petite blonde, trapping her between the wall and his frame.
The smirk now wider than his cheeks.

"This is what I'm talking about! You have to be superior, you do what you want when you want. Even if it's what someone has asked you specifically not to!"

Ava shouted through gritted teeth. She could hear his tongue clack, feel his arms tense as he placed them beside her head.

"All the more reason to do it." He whispered, the anger glinting into amusement.

"And all the more reason for me to leave." The girl pushed with as much force as she could, nudging past the man who barely moved.

Within a moment, Ava was flung across the room- her limbs flailing as they fell against the bed.

Klaus leant against the door way as the blonde scoffed, ripping away the hair attacking her lips.
She stayed lying down. Refusing to meet the gaze of the narcissistic hybrid.

"Call me paranoid love, but it's past midnight and I'm more than sure we've had enough evidence of you being perfect kidnapping bait." Klaus noted, sighing as the girl muttered a small response.

"And seeming how you've kept so much from me it seems, you must have much more enemies than at first thought." Klaus continued, wanting to aggravate the girl into acceptance.

"Do you know what klaus?" Ava snapped, springing up from the bed with a snarl spread across her lips.

"You had no right to go through my head, and you know that. You knew I would be angry because you did it, but you did it anyway. And yes maybe I do keep things from you and my morals are idiotic. But don't worry, I keep secrets from everyone."

Ava bickered, storming up to the arrogant man. This time klaus didn't stop her from leaving.

He knew that she wouldn't leave the compound because of the well known enemies lurking anywhere.

He was shocked however when he saw her stop briefly to peer into the nursery, the pain of the old stomach wound rippling through his skin as if to tell him something.

That was when klaus realised.

When he realised how much that night had truly changed her.


That's insane!

I'll start with the same question I did for S•H•G,

Have you watched it? And if so isn't it bloody emotional.

It literally killed me, especially when most of their male population is hoarded with hot guys. I mean no wonder there's none where I live, their all hiding in these damn tv shows.


Shout outs for today:

This is just a minute amount from this weeks roar of love, and I mean explosion as I had to turn my 3G of and came back to a million comments and votes.

So thank you for that, because I love reading your opinions!

Please vote, comment, and add to those loveable reading lists.

Sorry for any mistakes,

Thank you for reading,

Goodbye X

P.s if I created some social media or a blog would anyone actually follow it? x

Just a question

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