Chapter seventy six

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Blood dripped down the stone wall as Ava grasped the cobble for stability

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Blood dripped down the stone wall as Ava grasped the cobble for stability. Her breathing was laboured as the sun blared down against the street, threatening to cause her more pain.

Haley sped down the abattoirs staircase as soon as she heard the weakened gasps, fear fuelling her movements to protect the little one hidden away in the nursery.

"Oh my god, Ava!" She called as the blonde cowered into the shadows, clutching at the darkness blanketing her shrivelled frame. Burns and blisters painted onto her skin as if she were a canvas, reds and oranges mixing in with her pale complexion as dried blood matted her hair into clumps.

"What happened?" Haley wondered, eyes wide and alarmed as they flickered into the bustling street behind them.

"I went on a walk without my daylight ring. Not my finest idea." Ava mumbled, raising her left hand and wiggling her fingertips to show nothing but bruises. The sun had been callous and unforgiving to her that day, streams of light showering the city as if scouring to find her.

"Why would you do that?" Haley retorted half heartedly, a motherly instinct ringing in her tone.

"Because it was suffocating me." Ava laughed lowly, a cynical tone reminding her how obscure that sounded.

"Was the ring suffocating you, or was it Niklaus and his temperament?" Haley cocked an eyebrow in reasoning, her arms folded as she watched the girls skin slowly heal.

"It was everything. Niklaus, Camille, the white oak. They're stupid arguments and declarations that they weren't family." Ava seethed as the day panned out over and over again in her head, her hands clenching in recollection.

"If they're not family, Haley. What does that make me?" The words spilled from her lips before she could strangle them mute, her fears finally voicing into a physical manifestation of pain.

"You are family, Ava. You are a Mikaelson." Haley attempted to comfort the blonde, although all her words did was spike a fury that was nestled into the pit of her stomach.

"But I am not a Mikaelson! I am an O'Connell! And yet if I say that to Nik, he will think I am abandoning him. But I say I am a Mikaelson to cami, she'll think I am disowning her! It's unfair that I have to choose, when they both are acting as such petulant children!" Heightened emotions were screaming in Ava's eardrums.

Sorrow and fear singing harmonies as anger yelled for dominance. Her mind was racing as it tried to select how to feel, and instead left her in a tangle of emotions. Before Haley could calm her down, Ava had raced off into the sun light and up the staircase, hissing under the pain it brought her.

The door to her and Niks room slammed shut as she went to wallow on the grand bed decked in fine silks and warm blankets, sending an otherwise quiet Hope to cry throughout the hallway.


Her bones ached as the pain from the sun throbbed through her body. It felt as if a weight was crushing her bones into dust, leaving her an immobile mess. An hour or so passed before Niklaus returned home, fuelled on an anger that he only felt when in danger.

His tunnel vision was adamant on smashing anything he could just to release the tension in his body, to destroy something that would help bring back his calm. But the soft stirring coming from his room forced him to freeze, the anger flooding from his body with a mere thought.

Hesitantly, he wandered toward the ajar door, heart caught in his throat. He had forgotten what humanity had done for him, what it had made him into. The pure embodiment of his humanity laid upon their bed, clutching the silk blankets that he had bought over a century ago, and softly snoring into the calm air.

That was what made him human. she was what made him human.

Avas blue eyes squinted as she yawned away the sleep succumbing her body, narrowing her gaze toward the hybrid that stood cautiously in the doorway.

"You didn't kill my sister did you?" She hummed, dragging her hand across her face as if to wake her up more. The room fell into an eery silence as Klaus plodded toward the sleepless girl, gently sitting on the edge of the bed as if still scared to break her beauty.

He tucked a stray hair behind her ear as she squinted up at him, unphased at how groggy she probably looked. Klaus took her hand and enclosed the ring within her palm, kissing her fingertips with a slight jolt of that familiar electricity. The moment was so peaceful Ava was unsure of how it could get any sweeter, and yet somehow he managed.

"I would never kill family."



I still need to catch up on shout outs I'm sorry I just wanted to post...

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