Chapter eighty eight

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Killer heels

"Are you freaking kidding me?"

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"Are you freaking kidding me?"

Ava yelled down the hallway as Freya had explained what was happening. Niklaus and Elijah had decided to retrieve Aurora without support and were held captive by their very own creations.

One day;
one day was all Ava asked for to process what had happened to her. Barely a second with the Mikaelsons reconciled, and all hell decided to break loose.

"Okay, I know this is bad. But I have a plan." Freya declared, eager for the baby vamp to help against people older than her grandparents. With a clenched jaw and raised eyebrows Ava waited for further explanation.

"Go on." She nodded, resisting every atom in her body that wanted to run in to the battle unprepared and slightly bewildered like any other mikaelson.

"Well, we don't know what we are dealing with... Just that Klaus and Elijah haven't come home. so I'll astral project you to Klaus, using the ring as a way to bind you two and you can see what we need to do to get them out. You do still have that ring don't you?" Freya prodded, glancing down at Avas still bare finger in worry.

With a roll of her eyes Ava had vanished, only to reappear with the ring dangling from a silver chain. She had kept it hidden within the compound purely because she knew it was the safest place for it to be. Even when she tried to hate Klaus she couldn't bare to lose that ring.

"Right then, I guess we should get started."


A hot searing white light blanketed Ava as she searched for Klaus in whatever realm she was in. She thought she would find him restrained in some basement or knocked out on concreted floor. Not waltzing through a grand mansion as the de'martels played a game of chess.

"Okay, this is not what I was expecting." Ava declared as her eyes adjusted to the warm glow of the fire place, eyebrows raised at the shocked entourage before her.

"No, no, no! Why are you here? Get out!" Aurora shrieked, shaking off her heel and launching it toward the unamused blonde. The shoe phased through her, clattering agaisnt the wall behind with a wimpish thud.

"Really Aurora? Can you be any more immature?" Ava quipped back as the girl stomped her feet and whined to her brother. The blondes attention slowly drawled back to the hybrid as he hurried to her side, a fierce look of worry dowsing his skin.

"What happened? If any of those damn strix touched a single hair on your head to send you here then I'll..."

"Freya sent me to find you, Nik. I'm not in danger."

Her soft words sent a sigh of relief to fan across her cheeks. The hybrid wanted to embrace her, to tell her he was safe when he knew he was not. Because if Ava ran into danger because of him, it would be because of him if she were to get hurt.

"Let's keep it that way. Ava you must step back and let the more experienced vampires handle this." He hummed as if it would change her path of thinking, which he knew it would not. Ava narrowed her gaze for a moment, ignoring the fake tears from the clearly insane girl a few metres away from her, and she sighed.

"If I'm to trust you now, you have to show me that you trust me. So if you know anything on where you are being kept, I need to know." Ava reasoned as another shoe shuddered through her projected self. With a huff she spared a glance at the hysterical bitch and raised an eyebrow.

"If the first shoe didn't hit me, why would the second?" Her comment sent the red head to groan and stomp her feet, retreating back to her brother as if he could protect her.

"All I know is the strix ambushed us, I assume they want to fulfil the prophecy. We must be somewhere in their base, a place where they channel all of their witchy voodoo." Klaus tried to recollect any thing he could but it was difficult when you are caught by surprise and shoved into another plane. They had barely a day to reconcile and recognise the change in their relationship, but one doesn't wait for such trivial dramatics.

"If I may interject." Elijah called out, finger poised straight as if to metaphorically prod at their conversation.

"They have an underground room, a lair if you will. That's where they keep the coven and so that is where we must be being kept." Although it was a hunch, his tone was certain and climatic. Ava nodded before turning her attention to the red head vying for someone to notice her, oh how she whined more so than a cur for its bitch.

"Don't worry, Aurora. Next time we see each other you will be getting my undivided attention. Count your days, bitch, because I'm coming for you."
And almost like a puff of smoke, Ava was gone.



Updates will be disjointed, I am sorry.

Would also like to stress at Ava and Klaus' arc.

It's always been rough, and obviously cheating is a serious thing that should never be taken lightly. But in certain circumstances it can become forgivable. Peoples opinions differ of course, which will reflect in this story line because obviously my opinion may be different than yours.

I'm not going to make them suddenly back to normal, it's going to take time to rebuild that respect and trust but if two people who are quite literally written for each other then there is always a way back.

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