Chapter twelve

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Mistaken appearances

"I'm not insane, it's not that I don't understand either

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"I'm not insane, it's not that I don't understand either. I know fragments of and segments of the stories but I kind of got thrown in the deep end. I'm not scared though. I'm just a bit freaked out. Oh god I'm so sorry for bothering you with this."

Ava rambled as she sat in a booth of a bar, her hands gripping the glass for an anchor, for something to pull her back.

The person with her chuckled, it was amusing to him that he knew every little detail Ava was talking vaguely about.

"Oh no dear, I'm free any time any place." The man chortled with a rich mixture of an accent. Ava smiled back, her eyes softening as she confided in the semi stranger.

"It's just that your Camis faculty advisor, you must deal with stuff like this all the time." Ava observed, slowly bringing her drink toward her lips to refresh her throat.

Vincent nodded, pointing and shaking his finger to the girl yet he still stayed cheerful.
"That is true, however I don't mind talking to you, love." His dark skin contrasted to his perfect white teeth, his eyes wide and comforting and Ava couldn't help but smile back.
"Are you okay?" Vincent asked so sweetly it lulled Ava.

She bowed her head this time however, because she did not know the answer. "I am okay. It's just, i feel like I have no choice now. People keeping turning up randomly, dragging me into the mess." Ava smiled half heartedly, it was true, she felt like she no longer had the ability to choose how her day went. Instead some person would appear and ask if either she was okay or for help.

"May I ask, is this klaus?" Vincent queried nonchalantly. The statement made Ava's eyebrows furrow and her curiosity spike.

"Ive never mentioned klaus before." Ava stated, causing a subtle alarmed look to indent in Vincent's eyes. He started to um and to aw, he had lost his footing.

"Oh no, your sister had mentioned him before. I guessed you two would be some how interlinked." Vincent recovered barely, his voice faltered and his fists clenched.

The small movements did not go unnoticed.

Ava felt as if she was being sucked back in, the uneasy pain set back in her stomach, the subconscious stinging by her throat where a small bandage was placed.

Ava nodded with a forced smile, all of the comfort seemed for within the man suddenly felt un comforting.

Out of a way of escape, Ava unlocked her phone and stared down at the time. "Of course, why didn't i think of that. Oh god, Cami wants me home, mustn't keep her waiting." Her voice was sharp and sputtery, she did  not wait for a response from the man before she pretended to smile and strutted out of the bar.

She always ended up in bad situations, whether that was from her personality or her family she did not know.


Ava twirled the handle of her door and flung the piece of wood against the wall. It was the second time Cami had turned back from shock after her sister did something similar to that.

Cami was ready to shout until she saw the look on her sisters face.
Ava was angry.
And Cami was curious as to why.

Ava sighed as she chucked her keys in the bowl associated with those objects and stormed toward her sister.

Without words Cami met her sister half way and began to rub her arm comfortingly. Ava scowled as she shrugged off the gesture and looked up at her sister.

"Don't hate me." Ava stated, trying to collect her wording. Camis soft expression fell as she thought of several reasons why Ava would have said that sentence. She folded her arms as her eyes glazed over sternly.

"What did you do?" Cami huffed, she had had enough drama to last her an eternity.

Ava scoffed,
"okay remind me next time to not look out for you." The petite blonde informed her older sister, leaning her body weight against the back of their sofa.
"I met up with Vincent. He's not who he says he is." Ava's voice was monotonous yet at the same time felt quite frantic.

She had just been thrown into a world that made no sense, confided in a man who seemed normal, only to realise that he was not normal, and very much apart of the world that made no sense.

Camille sighed and dragged her hand down her face.
"Ava don't do this." She sighed once more, letting all the trapped air in her throat escape in one huff.

Ava crossed her arms and knitted her eyebrows, anger quite evident in her features.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Each letter was pierced with venom not to harm her sister but to make her aware she was pissed.

"You don't have to get involved. Don't feel forced to help." Cami soothed returning her hand to Ava's arm to caress small circles along her skin.

Ava once again shook off her sisters comfort, still not over the
'abducted by a psychopathic vampire her sister somehow knew about' problem.

Ava flung her body backward so her back landed softly on the sofa cushion, her hair sprawling like a golden halo surrounding her face.

"If I could I would, trust me. But I've tried and I can't." Ava informed her elder sister, her eyes glued to the ceiling as her vision recited multiple images from a couple days ago.

Cami knew how Ava felt, a force dragging her into a chaos neither were made for.
But somehow Cami knew Ava was more suited to it than her.

Cami sluggishly moved her body so she was able to fall onto the sofa next to Ava. Her eyes drifted to her younger sister before she began to dial a number she dreaded to repeat.

"Okay, I'll call marcel."


I do not like this chaaaapppterrrrr, it's just a filler and so will be the next. I'm sorrryyyy. I've refrained so much from updating too quickly because then I run out of a backup chapter. And I like having a back up chapter.

Anyway, klaus won't be in this chapter or the next. Not that I know of anyway, because of course Ava isn't going to be best buddies with him straight away. But she's not going to be scared shitless either because where's the fun in that.

Shout outs to:

Thank you guys for the continuous love and support and as of always I shout out to the people who make themselves known by voting commenting or adding to reading lists.

I can't believe in seven days the book has gained another 120 something reads. It's amazing and I'm so grateful.

Please vote comment and add to the reading lists.

Sorry for any mistakes,
Thank you for reading.

Goodbye X

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