Chapter three

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Fragments of china

The two O'Connell's had retreated back to their apartment, the exhaustion filling Ava's stomach as she hadn't slept since her journey

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The two O'Connell's had retreated back to their apartment, the exhaustion filling Ava's stomach as she hadn't slept since her journey.

However Cami was adamant she had to leave again, leaving Ava resting on the sofa, curled up in a blanket, alone and asleep. She had no recollection of time as she drifted in and out of consciousness, so she had no idea how long she had slept before there was a crash from outside of her door.

Her body shot up right as she stared at the vibrating doorway, the wood cracking from the impact every time. Almost effortlessly the door swung open on the 3rd try, introducing the two men Cami had confronted in the street.

The They came charging in, attacking every possible place something could have been hidden. Ava screamed horrendously as her eyes glued to the men who had not yet seen her. Once her lips parted both men turned to the girl, their look determined, where as hers was afraid.

"What are you doing? Why are you doing this?" Ava cried as they started to near her. Her feet stumbled backward, hitting the coffee table as she stepped backward. One of the men's grip had woven its way around a lamp, forcing the object to levitate above the table it was once placed on.
A smirk plastered against his lips as he watched her discomfort.

"You know how to stop this?" The man asked gruffly as his grip loosened and the lamp came crashing down against the floorboard. All colour drained from Ava's face as she watched the clay shatter into tiny pieces.

"Tell us where the stake is." The man answered his question, striding toward the girl. Her gaze ripped back up to the intruder, jumping over the coffee table and over to the corner.

"I don't know what you are on about." She shouted, tears welling in her eyes from fear. The man continued to stride toward her, pushing her against the wall with all the strength he had.

"Tell us." He screamed in her ear, the sound piercing through the clatter of objects being thrown carelessly around the room by the other.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She shouted back, her gaze blurred from each tear which fled her eye. The pressure increased against her windpipe, a gasp escaping her parted lips.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the air, forcing the two intruders to stare at the doorway.
Cami stood there, the fear hidden behind her glare.

"Leave her alone." She shouted, grabbing a note pad from her bag and pen. The grip was dropped from Ava and she instantly fell to the floor, her mascara smudged around her eyes and her hair knotted from her hands woven around each strand.
"Look, this is where you will find what you're looking for. Now all you need is my uncles key." She informed them, pressing the note book against one of the guys chest.
His eyebrows raised, assessing the notes and reciting his question.

"And where is that?" He asked, but she was already walking over to a hook and retrieving the object. Cami directed her walk to the door and gripped into the handle. Her other hand was dangling the keys in front of her.

The two men left gleefully out of the room, snapping one of their hands around the key and storming out of the apartment. Cami gave one last look toward the werewolves before slamming the door shut and running over to her disheveled sister. Cami slowly pulled Ava's hands out of her hair and smudged her thumb under her eye to clear the mascara. Ava looked up at her sister, watching as Cami hid the fear with her sympathetic smile.
Cami started to shush the whimpers escaping Ava's lips, smoothing down her hair like she did when she was little.

"Everything's going to be okay."


Such a short filler chapter because I'm feeling generous.
And I'm also stuck at my tutors home whilst my parents dawdle at work and retrieve me.

I'm sorry the mikealsons are not in every single chapter. She's only just come home they can't be besties for life from the first second they meet.

Heads up Camis not going to like it... try putting your hypothetical younger sibling with a guy who destroys crap all the time. It ain't going to be great.

Please comment and vote. It means a lot. Which leads me to my first shoutout of this book:
@funnychica1 ! Thanks the support girrrllllll. Go and follow her because I saw all of her reading lists and they are the bomb.

Sorry for the rambling,
Sorry for the mistakes,
Thanks for reading,

Goodbye X

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