Chapter seventy two

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The awakening of darkness

Ava felt as if she was high, speeding through the packed streets in a blur and jumping onto roofs when the streets were a little too full

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Ava felt as if she was high, speeding through the packed streets in a blur and jumping onto roofs when the streets were a little too full. The hunger had dulled slightly since she had already taken what she needed, but the thrill of hearing the music seep through the air for miles was euphoric. And even though she was dead, she suddenly felt truly alive.

the sun was at its highest peak, and Ava felt giddy that the ring she was gifted a few days prior had been encrusted with the power of a daylight ring. Her eyes quickly flashed a burning red, and Ava decided it was finally time to boost her energy. The O'Connell strolled eagerly into the bar, her wavy hair bouncing against her back as she strolled toward the bar.

"Ava chick, havent seen you in a while." Josie, the bartender, sang as she polished another glass. Ava nodded, falling onto the chair and scanning across the crowds.

"I haven't needed to go to a bar for a while. But today I'm feeling the need to meet a couple douches." Ava replied with a quirked eyebrow, her grin so wide it was as if it would split her cheeks.

"We need four tequila shots, stat. And don't be afraid to move that sweet ass." A man quipped as he fell beside Ava without a second glance. Josie rolled her eyes as she prepped the drinks, used to the behaviour.

"Oh, you are such a gentleman aren't you?" Ava smirked, her head dipping to the side a bit as the man drove his attention toward her.

"Sharp tongue, I like it." He narrowed his gaze toward her, a sickly grin plastered on his lips. Ava slipped in front of the man who wore his hat the wrong way round, arrogance radiating off of him.

"I have sharp teeth too." She whispered into his ear, watching as confusion threaded through his expression. Within seconds, Ava was pulling down his head down so it was level with hers.

"Now you are going to find an atm, max out your credit card and give Josie the biggest tip she has ever seen. And then you're going to meet me in the alleyway, and we're going to have some real fun." She smirked, letting her pupils dilate and the compulsion to seep through the air. Ava patted his chest as his expression fell stoic.

"Oh, and turn your hat around. We're all adults here." She pressed, pulling the hat around herself before pushing the man away. Josie gave a questioning stare as she slid a drink toward the blonde, humour threading through her smile.

"What can I say, I'm a man whisperer." Ava joked, taking the drink and swirling the liquid around within its glass. She hadn't ordered a drink.

"Well, your charm has rubbed off on someone else. The drinks from a man at the bottom of the bar, he was pretty insistent." Josie explained before she wandered off, dealing with yet another rude customer. Ava turned to see Niklaus mikaelson waving smugly as the end of the bar, tipping a drink to the back of his throat.


Klaus and Ava fell onto adjacent chairs as the music thrived around them. Ava knocked back the drink she was given with a smirk and she couldn't help but thrive in the sensation.

"You do like your little excursions don't you Avangaline?" Klaus noted, a quirked eyebrow directed at the smirking blonde.

"I love them." She chuckled, leaning against the table as she dropped the glass on its surface.

"Well you ought to be a tad more careful, you would've ripped him apart." Klaus declared, folding his arms as he watched the new persona of Avangaline O'Connell.

"Oh lighten up. Its what we vampires do, isn't it? We hunt, we fight, we kill." Ava droned on, counting the various characteristics of the fabled beasts.

"We might want to keep our voices down." Klaus retorted, eyeing the blonde suspiciously.

"Why? We can compel anyone we want." Ava sung, grinning sarcastically to the man opposite her.

"What I do and what you do are not the same thing." Klaus reiterated, sighing as Ava shook her head and chuckled.

"I'm kidding Klaus. My emotions may be all over the place but I'm not a lunatic." She rolled her eyes and grinned, mischief still chaotically drowning her expression.

"But you could be right, my emotions are erratic and I could do with them turning down just a bit." Ava noted, tapping a rhythm on the sticky table as her eyes flickered anywhere but the hybrid in front.

"Then let me help you." He commented, forcing her gaze up with just the soft tone of his voice. The noise encasing her began to drown out, her focus intent on the pool of blue in his eyes and the pink of his lips.

"After all, if you're going to learn. Might as well learn from the best." The pair grinned, and in a second Ava was sat next to him with the air tickling her skin. Her eyes shone a vivid crystal blue, yet somehow the darkness of the hybrids had began to seep into the calming tone and darkened her perceptions.

Her hands wound against his coat and she tugged him forward, allowing more of him to become her. Their lips interlocked and for a moment, Ava's mind was clouded with nothing more than that feeling. Allowing her the minute sanctuary that she found within Niklaus Mikaelson.

Albeit as dark as it was.



Sorry for the late update.

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Goodbye x

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