Chapter eighty nine

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Small fortunes

The man who killed Camille O'Connell sat proudly within the Mikaelson compound

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The man who killed Camille O'Connell sat proudly within the Mikaelson compound. She may have been resurrected into a vampire, but he knew both O'Connell's despised him for what he did. And yet he still sat there, smug and pompous, giddy at the thought that he was needed to save Niklaus and Elijah.

"Didn't you get Ava into the astral plane earlier, why am I needed exactly?" Lucien whistled as Freya tightened the restraints keeping him in his chair.

"I projected her to wherever Klaus' mind was. She was never really there. To destroy the representational magic that is tying them there, I need to be able to physically be there. That takes a lot more power." The witches words were final and clear, attention focused on perfecting the right ingredients for the spell to go right. She already already sent Hayley and Stefan off to possible doom, it was up to her to make sure nothing went wrong.

"And why is she here?" Lucien pressed further, eyebrow cocked toward the blonde sat idly upon a chest of drawers. A grin over took her face, sly and unnerving as Ava kept her stare intense.

"Oh I just want to hear you scream." She smirked, nodding to Freya as the witch waited to start the ritual.

"And why would I scream?" Lucien laughed, too egotistical for his own good. The baby vamp hummed as she suppressed a sarcastic laugh, folding her arms tightly into her chest.

"Because this will hurt. A lot."
And with Freya's strong words, Lucien screamed.


So many exhaustingly long hours had dwindled by as Ava and Freya waited for the outcome of the Mikaelson downfall. Hayley and Stefan still hadn't returned their calls and Lucien fed into their fears as his body writhed under an insatiable amount of pain.

The moon hung limply in the sky as if all knowing of what had happened that afternoon, and so it blanketed the city in comfort. Ava paced the floor, almost creating a dent within the wood at her constant footsteps.

So much had happened over that week alone, so much pain already endured, how much more could she take? She tried to keep her thoughts positive but her mind always circled back to the bad things like vultures to their prey. And somehow if something had happened to Nik she felt as if she were to blame, because something had changed and she felt different in some weird way.

"Careful love, that flooring is new." A familiar British voice softly fell into the air, forcing all atoms around them to freeze. Ava turned, eyes already watering, and let out a sigh she had kept reserved in the back of her throat.

"Oh god Nik, you scared me tonight!" She moaned, hurrying into his arms and into his warmth. For a moment they were quiet, his hand against the nape of her neck as he cradled her in his arms. Simply soaking up the adoration they had for each other.

"Hmmm, now you know how it feels." He chuckled, eyes closed as he relished in their small reunion.

"I'm being serious Nik. Something felt different, it was as if I could feel it in my stomach." Ava reasoned as she leaned back, gaze still filled with love and worry. He nodded, afraid to tell her what had happened and the new threats he would endure because of it. But the fear in her face had made him put it off for that one night, wanting to do nothing but keep her safe.

"There is nothing to worry about, sweetheart. I think it's about time we have a night off and relax." Niks lulling tone was clear as day to the blonde as his hands found her waist. Her eyebrows slightly rose and her lips parted for a snarky comment.

But in a split second, Klaus had disappeared, opening their bedroom door and waiting in the threshold. A light laugh escaped Avas lips as she followed him inside, happy that she could finally see Nik be free once more.

Maybe he would wait until morning to tell her that Aurora was safely confined in the basement, after all he didn't want to obstruct the mood.



Sorry I haven't updated regularly. I know, as a reader myself, how annoying that is.

Exams are coming up, and with it so are my anxieties and episodes of low moods. And it hasn't been helped by the recent passing of my dog.

Hopefully with a clearer mind and some free time I will be able to finish this book before the end of summer. Fingers crossed.

I am sorry though, I don't mean to be rude in anyway by not updating. I just don't want to give you guys shoddy chapters. Saying that this isn't that great.

Thank you for understanding X

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