Chapter sixty one

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The food chain

After each mikaelson took an enemy to interrogate, they all ended up surrounding the same thanksgiving table as before

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After each mikaelson took an enemy to interrogate, they all ended up surrounding the same thanksgiving table as before.

The air was thick with tension as revelations were still high in the air, and Rebekah was seemingly lost at sea.

"Longitude and latitude, lovely." Lucien commented as he swirled the red liquid residing in his glass, a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Well, despite our differences, I believe great strides were made today." Tristan added, nodding toward his sire as if they were growing friends.

Elijah shot him a disconcerting glare, rising from his seat with a bitter snarl attached to his skin.

"Tristan, I can't murder you this very moment. But I could as easily tears those eyeballs from your skull and feed them to your sister." He snapped, creases forming in between his brow as his glare deepened.

"Elijah, these are our guests!" Klaus tutted, stepping toward his disgruntled brother with a nod toward the offended.

"Nik, its so sweet of you to defend us." Aurora sang, blissfully ignoring any mention of Avangaline as her name sprouted continuously in conversation.

"You know, I doubted my brothers wisdom in bringing us all together today; but he was right. We must confront the harsh realities we all face and make difficult choices... to ensure our collective survival, and I have every confidence that my choice- will be the right one." Klaus appeared by Elijah with a smirk, silently communicating with his brother as they both turned to Tristan.

In a second, Tristans neck was in between Klaus' hands and his head went limp by the grip. Aurora screamed as her brother clattered to the floor like broken china.

Her chair flew backward and in a second she was in front of Niklaus with blinding rage.

"were you anyone else, the servants would already by mopping your blood from my floor. If you do not bring my sister home, Tristan will die slowly and in tremendous pain." Klaus growled, pushing past the auburn haired girl and toward his next order of business.

"You betray me after all your promises of love." She shrieked at his fleeting figure, tears burning her cheeks like acid.

He froze, his frame becoming rigid as he whipped around to see her weeping figure.

"For a millennial I meant to keep those promises! It was you who shattered them over and over again. Now I have your brother, and a new love who I cherish very much. A sibling for a sibling, a heart for a heart." He spat, towering over her with a white rage.

Aurora scoffed, backing away with a new motive in her mind. he had taken her heart and shattered it to a million tiny fragments, so she would do the same to the woman he said he truly loved.

"You will regret this." She seethed, speeding off into the distance and toward Lucien's penthouse.

Klaus turned to the last person sat at the table, his hands slamming down on to the wood to cause a miniature quake.

"Lucien, you will take me to Avangaline. And you will surrender the medallion, or you will meet an end so cruel the devil will weep."

The race was on, it was only time that would tell who got to Ava first.


"Thought I told you to sit still." Anton spat, glaring as the blonde stumbled around the apartment with two beer bottles in her grip like baby bottles.

"Do I look like a dog?" Ava commented, turning back to the vampire with a smirk.

"Anyway, I'm cleaning up like a good little hostage." She beamed, chucking the bottles into the bin with a loud clash. The vampire rose and bared his teeth, gaze narrowing toward the petite blonde.

"Do you even know Klaus Mikaelson? Because the chances of Lucien coming back alive, are kind of slim." Ava slurred her words as she spun into the kitchen, grabbing the knife that was sloppily left out.

"You better hope you're wrong, otherwise you might not make it through the night." Anton observed, stalking toward her like a predator to its prey. Ava hummed in response, a small smile caught on her lips.

"Oh, I don't think you want to hurt me. See, Klaus is the most ruthless vampire in all of history, and guess what. He sort of likes me, so maybe you should be the one worrying about making it through the night." ava reasoned, her grip tightening against the cool handle of the knife.

"You're a bad drunk." The vampire retorted, stopping only inches away from her. Ava nodded slowly, watching as his hand rested against the countertop.

"But I'm pretty smart sober." she reasoned before the knife came clamping down against his finger, slicing away his protection from the light.

He screamed in pain as streams of light burnt his skin, cowering into the shadows.

"I'm going to kill you." He roared as he attempted to lunge toward the petite blonde gliding into the light.

"Ah, ah ah. Not while the suns out." She called out as she sprinted for the door, slamming her hand against the elevator button.

It took longer than she expected for the lift to ring and slowly glide open, but Ava did not hesitate to rush into the confined space. she didn't notice the other body until the door creaked shut, furrowing her eyebrows as she watched the small girl beam back at her.

"Oh, love. You are so not his type." And as Ava was about to ask what the hell the girl was on about, she was sent barreling into nothingness.


"Where is she?" Klaus roared as he snapped a piece of furniture and threw it across the room.

"I told you, the girl ran." Anton mumbled, fear sparking in his eyes as Klaus shoved a splinter of wood into the vampires heart.

"This is all your fault. If she is harmed in any way. You're next." Klaus snapped as he dropped the decaying body and glared at his first sired.
with a grunt of displeasure and roll of his eyes, the hunt for Avangaline O'Connell had began.


Keeping it short because of upcoming exams.

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