Chapter twenty four

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The sand fell

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The sand fell.

The small grains trickling down softly against the pit slowly forming at the bottom. And Ava couldn't help but stare intently at each one.

They felt so empowered, yet showed no strength as one withered away into a heap of identical granules.

They signified avas death.
Because once the last grain would fall. So would Ava, and in her place rise Rebekah mikealson.

It was silent for a moment, Ava was permitted sanctuary from the group as Davina temporarily shuffled the others out of the small room.

But the girl barely noticed, her eyes so content with the hope that, that one grain would never fall, or in fact that Davina- the 17 year old- could somehow save her life.

"Avangaline." A soft voice woke the silence sleeping in the room. Ava's head lifted, the tendrils of each blonde strand falling from the curtain they had created.

She couldn't help but flinch at the voice, the British tone soothing the girl so much her heart pulled against her ribcage in a fit for acknowledgment.

"Niklaus." Ava smiled half heartedly as the man stepped into the room, his face screaming nothing but sorrow.

"I have to go." He whispered, each word oozing with inner conflict. Ava scrunched her eyebrows for a mere second before realising what he meant.

It was his way of saying goodbye.

She knew it was her turn to reciprocate the gesture. So she rose, delicately plodding along the floor until she was brought in front of him.

Both had a pained look in their eyes, which neither knew of as to why. Ava knew klaus liked her, but she believed it was because of her relation to Cami. And klaus would never truly admit his feelings toward the young oconnell.

Because love meant humanity, and humanity meant weakness.

"Then let's say goodbye now." The girl murmured as she smiled upward at the man.

His smile slacked, a narrowing gaze brooding in his eyes as the girls words registered with him.

"For a girl from the oconnell family, you are quite pessimistic avangaline." Klaus gritted his teeth as the girl just smiled softly back at him, her features so innocent.

"Someone has to keep us grounded." She replied, keeping the hitch in her voice quiet as the recollection of their diminishing family recoiled in her mind.

"Well Ava, this is not goodbye. I will come home, and you will be here- a smile on your face and all giddy as you survived yet another attack from the mikealsons." Klaus muttered, his name leaving a bitter aftertaste against his tastebuds.

He didn't like the sound of his family being her undoing.
Her smile finally faded.

"Let's be real klaus, this might just be our very last goodbye." She laughed silently, her gaze glassed as she held a faux expression.

"No. Stop being so pessimistic little red."  Klaus snarled, his eyebrows furrowing. Ava's eyes widened and a light chuckle escaped her lips.

"Little red?" She asked, unaware of her new found nickname.

"You do follow around the big bad hybrid, do you not?" Klaus snickered, before the lightness of the conversation dropped once more.

It was his fault she was out in this predicament. His family.

"Don't beat yourself up about it." Ava whispered as she watched his face drop. That's when their gazes caught one another.
When Ava stopped breathing, and it was as if klaus did too.

She did not stop because the spell had not worked, but because of something she had never truly felt before.

Ava was speechless.

Maybe it was the way the light refracted in the dark blue pools he held to make them seem lighter to her.

Or the way klaus soaked in her appearance as if it could be the last time he would be able to witness such a sight.

But the way the two stood silently staring, Ava could almost feel the heartbeat of the hybrid before her.

And then his head dipped.

And she felt like she couldn't breath.

Their lips so close together.

Their breathing in sync as her heart beat fed into his like a song.

Her eyes were shut.

And then Davina came in.

"Why isn't anyone watching the hourglass?" A young witch screeched as she ran into the room from the opposite doorway.

Ava's mind was filled with confusion as she snapped her head toward the sound, watching as the brunette teenage witch rushed to the side of the sand glass- shortly followed by Cami and Marcel.

What had just happened?
Were they really going to do that?
Was avangaliene really going to kiss the sardonic hybrid?
Or was it just the heat of the moment?

Because she couldn't really- truly -like someone that bad...

When Ava finally turned back around, klaus was gone.

No trace.

No brooding self narcissistic essence of a hybrid.


And a part of Ava just shattered,
she had yet to figure why.

"Goodbye nic."


5K? No way...

I read back my last chapter before this and actually hated it so that will probably be rewritten when I have time.

I actually had part of it in this chapter before publishing, was like "yeah this works this is a good amount"- re read last chapter and immediately noticed the chapter I had just been editing was the same one...


Finally something is brewing, I've figured out that I always prolong things so I'm thinking of the pair getting good soon. I want them together already but it just doesn't fit... and I babble a lot.

Shout outs to:

Please vote, comment, and add to them lovely reading lists!
(Because then I can binge read a bunch more stories!)

Sorry for any mistakes,

Thank you for reading,

Goodbye X

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