Chapter fifty eight

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Ava blinked away the black dots coating her vision as she regained consciousness, a low groan escaped her lips once the throbbing in her head began to subside

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Ava blinked away the black dots coating her vision as she regained consciousness, a low groan escaped her lips once the throbbing in her head began to subside.

It took her a moment of silence before she noticed the unfamiliar surroundings of the room, but once she did she was scrambling toward the exit.

"I took the liberty of removing your handcuffs, unless you're the type that likes to be restrained." Lucien smirked as he entered the room, his eyes glinting in insinuation.

Ava scoffed as she stood frozen in her place, thinking of possible scenarios where she could escape. Most ended with her death.

"Please take this drink, consider it an apology for the rough start of our day. I see no reason we cannot begin anew." Lucien pushed a glass of champagne and orange juice toward the blonde with a sad smile painted on his lips.

Ava quirked her eyebrow toward the vampire, resting against one of the many tables placed around the room.

"I can think of many reasons not to share a drink with you; one you're kind of obsessed with me and Nik. Another one; We. Are. Not. friends." She prolonged the last reason with a stretch of each syllable, her glare piercing into his skin like a knife.

Lucien sighed as he turned with a nod, hiding the sly smirk attached to his lips.

"Fair enough. Later on, I hope you'll remember this could have gone so much easier. Detective Kinney, come on in and start cutting up the mirepoix." Lucien's voice softly lulled toward a door, sending avas face to go the palest of whites.

There the detective was, walking toward them in confusion as he carried a knife toward a table filled with ingredients.

"You compelled him?" Ava whispered in distaste, scoffing as the man fell into his seat and began to chop.

"What the hell is going on?" He questioned, eyes wide with alarm. Lucien rolled his eyes and glared toward the officer, a slick smile forced on his lips.

"Why don't you just focus on the cutting? We don't want to lose any finger whilst we talk." His voice was eerily calm as he reprimanded Kinney until he complied and continued to cut.
Lucien turned to Ava, a wicked grin still glued to the edges of his lips.

"Did you know that Wills mothers side is full of chefs? He's going to make us his grandmothers recipe, Grillades and Grits. I took the liberty of texting your sister on your behalf. After leaving the police car without incident, you've decided that a day of privacy and peace will help you calm down. You're little running away theme really helped me out." Luceins chuckled as he watched alas confident stature fall.

No one would come looking for her, not even Niklaus due to their argument on hallows eve. Lucien was smarter than he let out to be, and because of underestimating him- Ava was trapped.


Ava had to root through dozens of boxes to find a small bronze medallion in return for her and Kinneys lives. She wished she had taken a larger interest in her uncles work, but Cami was the one who was enticed by the sentiment of magic. Ava yearned always for the normality within the insanity.

"I find Cajun cuisine almost as delicious as their people, well done William." Lucien applauded the detective as he ate another mouthful.

"Its not like I had a choice." Kinney spat, his hands firmly placed on either side of the chopping board like he was asked to do.

"But the moment I do. I'm going to use this knife, and I'm going to stab you in the heart." He threatened, his glare laced with fear. Ava stopped for a moment, her gaze flickering back to the detective.

"You couldn't even if you tried. You've been compelled to do everything he tell you to. Its likes hypnosis, vampires use it against humans to do their bidding." Ava explained, turning monotonously back to continue her work.

"Oh, so we're throwing around the v word now? Might aswell embrace the insanity. What else are you going to force us to do?" Kinney muttered, the idea leaving a bitter after taste on his tongue.

"Well Avangaline here has a vervain bracelet enchanted on her wrist, so only she can take it off and I can't force her to do anything. But in exchange for preventing future blood shed, I've asked her ever so kindly to find me that medallion." His tone was sharp and unforthcoming, Ava could tell he was agitated that he couldn't rip the bracelet from her wrist.

"I've told you, my sister catalogued everything, id know if we had a bronze medallion. And we don't!" Ava groaned, pushing away another box in exhaustion.

"Its there. Just hidden, built in to something else. Find it!" Lucien roared as he rose from his seat, anger threading through his tone.

"And then what? Some shiny ornament helps you get your revenge on Klaus? Don't tell me this is all because he stole your girl." Ava questioned, her eyebrow slanted and sarcasm lacing her voice.

"He did a lot more than steal my girl, Avangaline. He stole 100 years of my life. So just stealing his girl will not justify everything he has done to me!" Ava flinched from his booming voice, noticing how psychotic this man really was.

He didn't just want to harm her and leave Klaus hurt, no he wanted to destroy his sire and leave him with nothing. Lucien grinned at the disbelief glued to the girls face, turning back to the detective with a sly smile.

"That reminds me, loss is a great motivator. Slice open your arcuate artery." Without a moments hesitance kinneys skin ripped open and he groaned in pain.

Ava gripped her lips to silence her scream of shock, her eyes wide with fury. As the blood began to pool on the floor, lucien turned back to the oconnell.

"Tick tock, love. He hasn't got much time."



Quick note-
Sorry it's late, I'm doing alevels they're hard.

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