Chapter five

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House arrest

Ava's legs dangled off of the kitchen counter, a phone pressed in between her shoulder and ear, and a bowl of cereal planted on her lap

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Ava's legs dangled off of the kitchen counter, a phone pressed in between her shoulder and ear, and a bowl of cereal planted on her lap.

Cami came stumbling in, her hair knotted into a bun and yesterday's subtle makeup, not so subtly stained under her eyes. Her sister smirked as she saw the disheveled girl ponder around the corner, heading straight for fridge.

"Morning beaut." Ava laughed, clicking off her phone and speaking in between spoonfuls of the delicious sweetness. Cami glared as her hand gripped the refrigerator door to find any sort of substance.

"Morning avan..." Cami sneered, getting shut off by an inaudible scream from Ava's lips.

"Stop." She shouted, pushing the bowl to the side and jumping off the counter. Cami snickered, downing the drink of orange juice she had obtained during her sisters break down. 

Cami knew her sisters full name always annoyed her, Ava wasn't one for long posh names. But their parents were. Which unfortunately meant Ava's name made her sound like she was from centuries ago.

But she was only 22.


"Speaking of that, I saw your friend the other day. Klaus was it?" Ava stated, absentmindedly chucking the empty bowl in the sink.

Cami froze, her gaze locking on the back of her sisters head as she dropped her glass down on the cabinet surface.

"What? When? Why?" Cami stuttered out, turning her back to hide her shocked expression. Ava furrowed her eyebrows,

Had she struck a chord with him?
It wasn't like she had a choice.

"At a bar downtown. I went for a drink seeming how you're always leaving." Ava chuckled, as her feet carried her out of the room. Cami was quick to follow, the anxiety of protecting her sister had started to become overwhelming.
Especially because she lacked any sense of security in a place the girl thought she was safe in.

"I'm really sorry about that, but don't you think you should be weary of some of the people you talk to? You were always good at reading people." Cami responded to her sister, sitting herself down on the edge of the sofa Ava perched herself on.
Ava thought Cami was joking, a snort escaping her lips until she saw Camus serious expression and cut it off. Her fingers clasped around the hem of her pyjama shorts, spinning a loose thread around her index finger.

"When klaus spoke I kind of gathered he was off. Not evil just... Disturbed. I thought it was just to do with upbringing or something. But if you want me to stay away from him, that's fine. We hadn't really built a friendship or understanding anyway." Ava hummed, smiling at her sister at the end.

Cami sighed in relief, a dangerous spark fueling a thought at the back of her head however, made her anxiety flood back.
"How about the whole Mikaelson family, and Marcel Gerard. Anyone linked to that whole circle actually." Cami laughed half heartedly, her hair falling softly out of her up do as her shoulders rose and fell.

Ava's eyes widened in confusion, if it was possible for her big round eyes to grow anymore they would have.

"How about I not talk to anyone in New Orleans. That ought to be alright won't it?" Ava joked to her sister, a smile painted brightly on her lips.

Cami slid on to the sofa cushion properly, bringing a blanket and the remote with her.

Aslong as she stayed indoors with Ava she could tell Ava would take it seriously.


A few days sauntered by, the girls staying close to home with each other always nearby.
Ava wanted to please Cami's obscure wishes.
No matter how demanding it was, Ava didn't mind because she wasn't that fond of the bizarre magician family.
It didn't really make a difference to Ava if she spoke to them or not.
It was just trying to avoid someone who popped up anywhere at any time. Stupid illusions.

The refrigerator door swung open, the blinding white light mocking the lack of food within the box. Ava squinted and began to pull apart draw after draw on the bottom to find something, anything to eat.
But there wasn't anything, because the O'Connell's weren't a family who always had a full fridge.

Ava muttered under her breath, realising she had to venture out of the comfort of her home for food.
Cami had gone out to work, meaning Ava didn't have any escape of having to be socially awkward with pedestrians.
So she slammed the refrigerator door shut, grabbed her keys and grudgingly walked out of the apartment.

So I split this chapter into 2 so that's why I'm updating straight after this. We are nearly at 100 which is bloody cool. If you guys like teen wolf then you should read my first book too, it's nearly at 1000 and it needs that little push.

Dont worry guys, klaus is in the next chapter. Don't bunch up your British loving knickers.

One more letter of Ava's name is revealed, you can probably guess her full name now.

Please comment any ideas or questions.
Vote for this chapter if you think it's kind of alright.
Sorry for any mistakes made. I'm a crap writer 😂

Thank you for reading and voting,

Bye X

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