Chapter thirty eight

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The stuck snake still has its venom

Ava plodded through the halls with a soft smile tracing her lips, her body felt lighter than usual and her mind was finally free from negativity

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Ava plodded through the halls with a soft smile tracing her lips, her body felt lighter than usual and her mind was finally free from negativity.

Maybe admitting a sense of admiration toward the hybrid didn't mean her life would be plagued with mistakes.
As she turned the corner, the feeling was relinquished- and in it's placed stood fear.

A body laid carelessly on the floor outside of Hopes room, blood painting the floor like it was a riverbed. She wasn't sure why she couldn't smell the blood before, but once she saw it- the familiar stench lingered in the air.

Silence filled the air next, Eerily snickering as Ava sauntered closer to the threshold. As her senses began once more, the soft cries of an infant filtered through the air.

Her feet picked up faster and before she could acknowledge what she was doing, her gaze met the one of Eva Saintclare.

"Rebekah?" Her voice was timid and laced with confusion as a cynical look washed over the dark tanned skin.
It was the snarling smirk that contradicted the otherwise sarcastic mikealson. And it made Ava freeze.

"Do I look like an 1000 year old bitch?" The girl sneered, metres away from hope.

Before she knew it, Ava had attempted to rush toward the infant. Maternal instincts screaming to protect her. But before she got near the air filled with a callous scream.

Ava's head had filled with an eruption of pain, blood rising to her lips like a volcanic explosion- bubbling before release.

It was then Ava realised the screaming was passing her lips, dragging her body deeper into seclusion as the pain duplicated.

Until eventually, Ava fell into darkness.


"That bitch." Ava growled, her eyelids finally releasing from the weight bestowed upon them from the excruciating pain.

Ava sat up straight, her hand clasped to her forehead and her gaze glued to the people placed in the room.
Niklaus and Freya mikealson.

"That bitch knocked me out."

"And for quite a long time too." Klaus duly noted, becoming accustomed to his family attacking the most fragile connection he had.

Ava shot the hybrid a disconcerting look as her eyes trailed to the clock.
She had been out for a few hours.

The O'Connell muttered profanities under her breath as she promised herself to yell at that psychopathic witch before she was sent back to hell for torturing children.

"I don't have a spell that could breech Eva's mind and find Rebekah!" Freya yelled, recollecting her sentence as the only human present startled her mute.

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