Chapter seventeen

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Regretful actions

Klaus immediately stopped and turned to the man in anger, noticing the fear finally settle in Ava's eyes

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Klaus immediately stopped and turned to the man in anger, noticing the fear finally settle in Ava's eyes.
But it didn't seem as rewarding as he had thought.

"He is only my birth father avangeline. My real father would not have allowed me to suffer under Mikael." Klaus spoke with such anger it made Ava flinch.

She still had no clue what was going on. She went to retrieve a flower and ended up in some sort of family reunion.

Klauses father sighed, Ava could sense by his clenched fists and his hurtful eyes he regretted his actions.

"Esther forbade me from seeing you. I knew one day you'd trigger your werewolf gene and then I'd be needed. So I waited. And then I fought against him. For you." His tone was soft yet final, it reminded her so much of Mikael Ava couldn't help but feel like she did that night.

Klaus snorted, stepping closer to the man only to be ready to pull Ava out of her trance.

"Yes, well, your grand declaration is just a few years too late." Klaus retorted, his eyes narrowing toward his father.
The sensation still made Ava tingle.

"You may kid Niklaus but I have spent centuries watching you. I know you have a void in your heart. You've travelled all corners of the world, you've seen monuments constructed and witnessed anarchies fall. But you've never found true peace. The only moments of joy in your life, however fleeting, have been simple. Climbing the Himalayas, teaching that boy Shakespeare, meeting avangaline." As the sentences grew longer and his words grew softer, Klauses anger morphed into discomfort.

He found himself feeling overwhelmed with how much this man knew about him, how much this man understood him.

"Stop." Klaus shouted, although filling the air without an explanation after. His father felt accomplished, maybe he could reach his son after all.

"I watched you feel your unborn daughter kick." The man stated nonchalantly, the sentence alone tipping klaus over the edge.

No one spoke of hope.

Within seconds klaus had his father in a choke hold, his eyes burning a dangerous yellow.

"I said, stop." He yelled toward the man, feeling his fathers breath against his face as it spluttered through his lips.

Ava was shocked,
klaus had a daughter?

"A millennium of observing me... tell me were you there when I slaughtered whole villages? Did you close your eyes when I fed on thousands of innocents? Because let's face it I have a tendency to play with my food. Have I made you proud father?" Klaus spat at the werewolf before him, watching as the life began to simmer out of him.

Ava was angered at Klauses temper, yet she understood the underlying cause of the frustration. He had never had a father figure, and he could have had one so easily.
But his father was too afraid.

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