Chapter eighty five

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The Man from the bar

Ava sat on her bed within the apartment, the room somehow feeling foreign even though it had been hers for many years before

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Ava sat on her bed within the apartment, the room somehow feeling foreign even though it had been hers for many years before. She played with her ring finger, absently trying to search for the thing she had disregarded hours ago.

She hadn't slept, not since she woke from her deathly slumber, not since the revelation that put everything in to question. The windows rattled as the wind shifted around the apartment walls, sending chills down her spine.

Ava closed her eyes, centring her focus like she did every time she got the hunger that she hated, attempting to ignore the presence outside.

There was a knock. A very timid and hesitant knock.

She needn't open her eyes to know who had came to visit, although she wished he hadn't.
Again, he knocked.
Persisting for her not to ignore him, for her to give him a chance to regain her trust.

"Go away Klaus." She huffed, not bothering to make sure it was him. She could hear his sigh, the cursing underneath his breath.

"Sweetheart, please." He pleaded, hand pressed against the glass as if it would close their distance.

"I don't want to go through this again." Ava muttered, falling back against her covers in a fit of exhaustion.

"I'm sorry, please just let me in." Klaus pressed, regret consuming every syllable. Ava stayed silent, arms splayed across the duvet and eyes scrunched shut.

"What I did was careless and unforgivable. And I should of never kept it a secret. I was just trying to hold off the inevitable, love, I didn't want you to be angry at me." He hummed, soft words slipping past the window pane and settling uncomfortably upon Ava's ears.

She kept quiet.

"Never have I cared so deeply for someone, never have I loved so fiercely. When we fell out, I was destructive and a fool. Please, Ava darling, forgive me for my idiocy." The moment of silence stretched on for what felt like centuries, but eventually Ava rose.

With timid steps she crept toward the window, ignoring the hopeful glint in Niks eyes. Once only glass separated them, she finally met his gaze. Except it wasn't the look he was expecting.
Anger still boiled under her skin and burnt her cheeks red, and her dead heart hammered against her chest.

"Go to hell, Klaus."

The curtains drew shut.


A large bouquet of roses were clasped in her hands as Ava stormed the Abattoir, face as red as each petal.

"Stop sending me flowers!" She yelled, sending every one to smash against the wall. A sea of crimson fluttered through the air as each petal broke off the thorny stems, soon enough carpeting the entrance to the ancient house.

"It's a romantic gesture, darling. To prove my apology." Klaus called out, as if she hadn't known why they were sent.

She scoffed. How was filling her room with flowers going to create anything but irritation?

"And what does this prove?" She asked, taking one of the many newly disfigured roses and hurling it toward the hybrid. It pierced his chest purely from force and the thorns twisted against his skin. The pair waited at a stand off for a few quiet seconds, beckoning for the other to make the next move as Klaus drew the blood soaked root from his heart.

"It proves that I like you." A new voice announced as they entered the room, a weirdly familiar brooding stare resting on his features. Ava smirked at his comment, a pleasant notion to hear when everyone around you were at war.

"No. It proves she's being stubborn and she bloody well knows it." Nik retorted, suddenly irritated by the twos small interaction. She ignored the insult with a slight eye roll, gaze still focused on the new man.

"Have we met before?" Ava smiled sweetly, batting her eyelashes just for added effect. His devilish grin was enough to make any girl swoon, and his love to make Klaus squirm was enough to make Ava happy.

"I don't think so. I always remember a pretty face." He cooed, outstretching his hand for her to take. As Ava went to reciprocate the action, Klaus stood in. He quickly grasped her hand and nudged her forward, away from the budding friendship happening before him.

"Would you like my help, Stefan?" He quipped sharply, moving back to where they had entered from. As Ava retracted her hand from his hold and greeted no th Freya and Elijah, something clicked in her mind. She swerved on the spot, eyes narrowed at the new friend as if to clarify what she thought was right.

"We have met before." She declared, igniting a perplexed glint in Niks eye. The room was quiet for a moment, waiting for Ava to divulge this new information that has sprouted in her mind.

"You're the one who found my scar when I was working, the one with the girl problems." She beamed, shaking off the bad memories linked with that bloody back scar. Realisation dawned on the new friend, a simple nod his first reaction.

"The girl who 'unfortunately' knew Klaus." Stefan replied, eyebrow cocked as the hybrid grumbled at the sound of his name.

"Now the pleasantries are over, Stefan you can plod along and get fixed. Avangaline, would you care to stay for dinner?" Nik pursed his lips, words as dead as his heartbeat. The blonde spared a glance toward the foe, silently begging for Stefan to not wander off with Freya before she could follow.

"Remember the girl you screwed killed me, Niklaus. So I don't exactly have an appetite anymore." Ava snapped back, leaving before she could be trapped by spell or even lock.

She had questions for Stefan Salvatore.



Okay so I know I'm late to the party, but I partly knew the ending of the originals and I refused to accept it.

But I have just watched the final episode on Netflix.

And I haven't cried that much in my life.

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