Chapter sixty six

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Christmas had come and Ava was like a giddy child as she sat by the tree decked in the most beautiful of decorations

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Christmas had come and Ava was like a giddy child as she sat by the tree decked in the most beautiful of decorations.

The morning sun flickered its way into the compound, delicately painting the cold stone floor with a warm yellow hue. She had yet to leave the compound after what had happened.

Ava wasn't one to be scared easily, she had watched her brother die. She had survived being abducted several times. But Aurora had made her feel different, Aurora had made Ava finally scared of her surroundings.

Her fingers trailed against the baubles decorating the Christmas tree in awe, a small smile painting against her lips.

"Good morning love." A low voice whispered with a heavy breath against her neck. Ava flinched for a second, still on edge after the kidnapping, but the simple familiar scent soothed her nerves.

"I was just admiring all the decorations that were set up in record time. Is that what she's compelled to do?" Ava hummed, spinning around and brightening her features with a smile.

Klaus chuckled, taking the glass of a thick red subtstance out of the ladies hand and letting her slip away back into the background.

"That and a few other things." He noted, swirling the glass as he brought it to his lips. Ava sighed with a quirked brow, stepping away from the putrid stench of blood.

"Why haven't you gone with Elijah to help Rebekah. I hope it wasn't to babysit me, after all Cami is quite the body guard." Ava asked as she perched on to one of the many chairs dotted around the room.

"It had more to do with the prophecy declaring one of us would fall by family, id rather be breathing the next time you get yourself in a little spat." Klaus grinned, watching the attention of the blonde draw quickly to her phone.

"Crap." She muttered, locking her phone and jumping up in panic.

"What is it, Ava?" he stepped closer, his eyes wide with alarm.

"That was my sister, she says Kinneys in trouble."


Ava ran toward the quaint house nestled within a suburban neighbourhood, her breath easily escaping past her lips in heavy pants. Her knuckles rapped against the wooden door, desperation ringing in her ears.

"Will? Are you home?" She called, trying to turn the locked handle. Only silence threaded through the air, sending chills down her spine.

"Ive been told turning up at someones home uninvited could be considered rude." A familiar voice observed from the porch, forcing the girl to turn and raise her foot in defence.

Klaus chuckled as he grabbed her sole to stop it from smacking his chin, a quirked brow directed toward the blonde.

"You need to stop following me when I'm not in the compound, its weird." Ava retorted, turning her attention back to the door.

"Vincent said he'd be home." Ava groaned, knocking once again on the door. Klaus sighed, zoning his hearing in to the house.

A shell of a bullet clattered to the ground, followed by a low grumble of discomfort. It didn't take long before Ava was pushed to the side and Klaus had smacked down the door, revealing a panicked man sat with a gun trembling under his chin.

"Will, stop!" Ava yelled as she dove into the house, fear leaking into her skin.

Suddenly, Ava skidded to a stop and watched the barrel of the gun drop to her level. Her hands shakily rose as she was frozen in place, words stuck in her throat.

"Please Will, drop the gun." The man shook in his seat, keeping his hand sturdily pointed to the petite girl.

"You shouldn't have come." He spat, anger pushed underneath his tone. Klaus slammed his hands against the invisible barricade, his eyes flashing a burning yellow.

"Drop the gun." He roared, dragging the attention to him for a moment before falling back onto the gun.

"Or what, you'll save me the bullet?" Kinney retorted, moving the barrel to face the hybrid momentarily.

"I am the definition of worthless. I try and try to make a difference, but there are things lurking out there in the shadows, and... and in the face of them, I am nothing!" He stammered out, dropping his gaze to the floor as tears dripped from his eyelashes.

Ava gasped at a faint memory trespassing into the back of her mind, Lucien's voice humming in her ear.

"Its Lucien's Compulsion. Klaus you need to help him." Ava demanded, nails digging into her skin to suppress her panic.

The hybrid nodded as he directed his gaze to the depressed man still glued to his seat, expression falling stoic.

"Invite me in."


Klaus had compelled the dark thoughts in Kinneys mind to stay hidden, and had willed him to go to family during the Christmas period.

Tears puddled on the floor as ava watched, harsh memories resurfacing and old pain reigniting.

"Thank you Nik." Ava whispered as Kinney left to pack for his trip, her hands finding the warmth radiating off of his cheeks.

"It was nothing." He whispered, the pad of his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand.

"It was everything, Niklaus." That morning, Ava oconnell witnessed something she never thought she would in her lifetime.

She witnessed someone associated with death and brutality, save a lost man.



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