Chapter twenty eight

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The red door

Elijah was pacing the kitchen

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Elijah was pacing the kitchen.

Camille was soundlessly asleep in one of the rooms.

And Ava, Ava was stuck babysitting for a child that belonged to the man she was told she had affections for.

The baby bounced on her hip as the girl swayed into the kitchen, a worried expression clinging to her lips.

"Still no sign of Rebekah?" She hummed as Elijah caught her presence from the corner of his eye.

He looked tired, bags dripping from his cheeks. His skin no longer filled with the red glow the blood allowed them to have, but pale and sickly like a diseased patient.

"Not a sound. and don't pretend to care Ava, I do not wish to have a pity diagnosis from you nor your sister. So if you must do so, do so with hesitancy and silence." Elijah spat at the girl in the most formal way possible.

She simply quirked her eyebrow in response, allowing the child to play with her index finger as she chuckled to herself.

"Whatever happened with your mother, Elijah, has made you very paranoid. Have you ever considered that maybe I do not want to fix yours or Nicklaus' problems, I have my own burden to carry and I do not wish to add more weight to my shoulders. What I do want, is for you to trust me when I say, who can be bothered, just brush it off until tomorrow- you definitely have the time after all." Ava acted as a stern adult when addressing Elijah.

Maybe it was because of her maternal instincts around Hope, or the fact Elijah insinuated her only interest in his family was to fix them. But it sorted Elijah out enough to clear his head and smile at the baby giggling away in avas arms.


Elijah had acted out several times.

The first time Ava had just put hope to bed and awoken Cami from her slumber, only to trip and spill a dribble of bourbon onto Elijahs suit.

He spiralled, like he had fallen off of the tipping step ladder his mother had so carefully placed him on.

The second time, within seconds Ava was pinned to the wall, her crystal eyes staring intently as the vampire pushed against her neck.

"Elijah." Ava hummed as his pupils dilated and red veins blared.

He growled in response.

"Look at me. Not with those horrid red inked eyes. Look at me normally. With your brown eyes and noble smile." Ava whispered, never wincing from the excruciating pain she was under.

For how could she be scared when her life was in constant peril?

As if by her command his pupils reduced and eyes lightened, only then becoming aware of their predicament. He immediately pushed away from the girl, his look no longer filled with anger- but with fear.

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