Chapter ten

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Clattering phones

Klaus had left Ava outside after reading an alarming text about a certain teenage witch being knocked unconscious

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Klaus had left Ava outside after reading an alarming text about a certain teenage witch being knocked unconscious. Ava was more than understanding when he told her something similar to that reason.

Her arms wrapped around her petite structure as she headed the last few steps toward her building. The street was desolate, no living form could be detected on the barren landscape. Yet Ava was not scared, she found the silence comforting.

That's why she ran such a long time ago. To find silence in the world filled with condolences and grief.

Ava hit into the door and was welcomed with a warm gust of wind that curled around her. The phone grasped in her hand began to buzz as she dialled her sister, hoping that the door was unlocked as she did not have a key.

But before she was able to respond to the answered call a body clashed into her as the door nearly closed. Her hand fell slightly as she turned to face the person who collided with her.

Ava was shocked to say the least when she saw an over averagely aged man looking down at her with a familiar smile. Wrinkles were set in his expression as the crows feet became apparent and wifi lines became more prominent.

"I'm so sorry." Ava felt the need to apologise, the man seemed harmless and cheerful. She could not explain why she felt as if she had seen him before but many familiarities were strewn across his features.

"No need to apologise love." The man chortled, hearing the small hum of a lady answering her phone within Ava's hand. She smiled in return, extending her free hand to shake.

"I'm Ava." Her voice was soft, and she was yet to notice the continuous humming exuding from her phone speaker.

"Oh no dear, I already know who you are." The man smirked in a rich English accent.

Without a second to comprehend, a hand clasped around Ava's lips and pulled her backward. In shock, her grasp was lost on her phone and Cami was left with the muffled screams from her sisters line as the phone clattered to the floor.


Ava O'Connell was being dragged through the bayou by the most feared mikealson there was.
Living or dead, Mikael always found a way to torture his children for the terror they caused and inflicted.

Ava's feet dug in to the muddied ground as she was hauled from tree to tree. But her strength was no match from one of the original families.

"Who the hell are you?" Ava grunted, the pain of the mans unmanicured fingernails embedding themselves into her skin growing by the second. The man laughed, it had been a very long time since someone had no knowledge of who he was, even if it was when he was dead.

"I'm your worst nightmare, love." He spat the words out with as much malice he could muster, his tone mocking the nickname the family gave to many.

"I don't understand, why me?" Ava gasped out of breath, her free hand clutching at her wrist to pry the grip off. Mikael snickered at the question, he found people so time consuming and minuscule compared to the power he had acquired.

"Because, love, my bastard son seems quite enticed to your being." Mikael spoke with such extended vocabulary and a rich tone that if he was Ava's age she would have swooned just by the quality of his literacy.

But the situation was quite complex, Ava was going to be used as leverage to pull out the bastard son. Mikeal had planned to use a woman named Camille yet with Ava's lack of knowledge it seemed more appropriate for the task. And the most amusing.

"Who are you talking about?" Ava asked, panic had start to set in her stomach as they progressed their trek into the wilderness. But she knew not to anger the beast when something had already woke it from its hibernation.

Mikael sighed, his eyes rolling as his ears perked to the sound of music in the distance.

"Quite frankly love I'm not one for pedantic children. Nor am I a fan of nicklauses foolish infatuations. And you are both." Mikael stated flatly, his eyes darting to to the distance where a light flashed through the trees. A smirk plastered itself on his lips as he turned back to the girl.
"Enough with this now. If I am to perform the task I desire, I must feed." And as his breath lingered in the air, the veins under his eyes darkened and his pupils dilated.

A gust of wind similar to what she felt when the mikealson family appeared wrapped around the small O'Connell. But this time it was as if she was brought along with it. As if the air picked up around her and forced her into the direction of the noise. She tried to breathe yet felt her throat restrict and as if all the air was leaping from her lips.

She was scared shitless.
Yet not as bad as she thought she would be.

When the pain receded, when the air flooded back into her lungs and her vision resolved, the sight she saw was shocking.

Screams echoed through the branches as the secrets of New Orleans was revealed to Ava.

Her mouth dropped as the stench of blood swelled in her nostrils, and her eyes widened as they saw the scene unravel.

Innocent people - innocent children - were being slaughtered by the man who had captured her.
Yet he held no weapon.

Instead he used his bare hands to trap them and his teeth to tear them apart. It was so animal like it scared Ava. Yet not to the extent some had feared of him before.

No, instead she felt pure white anger from the lives he continued to dwindle and torment. She lost control of her body as she heard the snaps of twigs underneath her feet.

Mikael had pinned a young girl against the rough bark of a tree, his head tucked in between her neck. Ava stormed toward the man, her younger self would have quivered in fear, but with the amount of pain she had been brought in her life, she was rendered senseless.

"Stop." The petite girl yelled, standing a small distance away for minor safety. The mikaelson father was intrigued by her lack of fear, more so by the way she wanted to stand up to him.

He turned his head to examine her, blood dripping from his lips, his veins pulsating under his eyes.

"You foolish girl." He snickered, before the air shifted around them.
And Ava was submerged into darkness.


Oh dear, guess whose back, and doesn't want to die for the third time. It's Mikael, the most loved mikealson there ever was. God the parents of this family can be so irritating don't you think.

I have wrote this chapter and the next chapter and I like 'em a lot. I like how Ava is senseless to what she sees yet it has some effect on her. It's just when her family have already gone from similar causes you can't help but expect something this major would be that extravagant.

And I'm babbling aren't I.

Thank you all for the continuous love this books getting, let's just say on the tenth chapter of my first book it was at 200. And with all the live this book gets in so thankful. And I can not believe the reads are already at 400.
It means so much!

Please continue the love by voting on this chapter, adding to your reading lists, and commenting.

Thank you all so much,
Sorry for any mistakes,

Goodbye X

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