Chapter eighty one

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Tracking Fiancés

"Freya has been taken

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"Freya has been taken."

Klaus' voice crackled through the phone, the connection as shoddy as their chances of winning this fight. Ava was out of her seat the moment the words leaked through into the air, ready to join the brothers in their bid to save their sister.

"Where are you? I'll be as quick as I can." She huffed as she tugged her shoes on, awaiting an already set answer from niklaus.

"Ava, love, I've already told you. I cannot risk putting you in danger again." He explained, attempting to sound authoritative to the girl who had decided beforehand her plans.

"Nik you can't hide me away from all the sharp objects, I'm my own person and I can decide when and where I put myself in danger." Ava felt like a true feminist as she put her foot down, determined to help now she wasn't some vulnerable mortal.
But to Klaus, she still was.

"I will call you when we find her."

The line went dead, signalling that their conversation was put on hold until after the fight. And Ava had to withhold herself from slamming her phone against the wall. Because it wasn't over yet.

Without the need of a witches spell or vampire tracking, Ava flicked through her phone. A smug smile spread across her lips as find my friends turned on, a small blue dot blinking on screen.

"Call me my ass."
And off Ava took, racing the blue dot to revenge.


The two Mikaelson brothers stood amongst the trees and brambles, panic bubbling in their chests as time withered on and Freya was still not found.

"She's not here." Elijah declared, glancing round as if she would be slumped beside a tree.

"She was, I can smell her blood. But the stronger scent is due west." Nik whipped his head to the side, leaves rustling behind them. It was clear the two men were beginning to worry, and although klaus would not admit his affection, he loved his sister more than he cared to admit.

"You two search for her, I'll take Aurora." Ava made herself known as if she hadn't been trailing them for miles, not even sparing a glance as she stormed up to the cabin she could see in the distance.

"Ava!" Klaus groaned, tugging her back as the blonde darted for the hill. Elijah muffled a chuckle, sensing young niklauses characteristics in the new vampire.

"How the bloody hell did you find us?" He pressed, the anger clear in his eyes. The blue blinking light flickered as Ava wiggled her phone, a pointed look directed at her partner.

"Don't need a witch to track a cellphone. I'm here to kill Aurora myself, get over it." She demanded, growing impatient at the time they were wasting.

"That is enough, love! I've had it up to here with your idiotic revenge plans and foolish schemes. You bloody well know in the end, no matter how, you would've changed. All Aurora did was hurry it along slightly. You're the one who needs to get over that!" Nik roared, veins pulsing as he pushed off his grip from her in one aggravated huff.

Ava was speechless for a moment, fighting the urge to scream and hurt him for what he said. Because he knew that was never what she wanted, but somehow her voice still went unheard.

"No. I never wanted any of this; and you know that." She had lost her powerful tone, nothing but a timid shred of her voice filling the air. She shakily stepped back, falling in line with Elijah as Nik stood his ground. His temper overruling his empathy.

"Avangaline, you and Niklaus will track the scent. I will take the cabin. no matter what happens, Aurora will die today." Elijahs firm tone and tight grip on her shoulder snapped her back in to reality. Ava nodded and sped away, following the scent through the treetops and bushes before Nik could catch up to her.

"Niklaus." Elijah spoke again, eyeing the hybrid curiously as nothing but anger filled his expression. Klaus pursed his lips, gaze running cold as he met his brothers stare.

"Aurora dies today."



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