Chapter Ninety

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Character development

Character development(Edited)

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"It won't help to worry, Nik." Ava hummed as she softly drew patterns on the back of his hand, cheek resting upon his arm. She was told of the sire link breaking the night before, Klaus finally spewing his thoughts as they laid in the crisp covers of their bed. But the new day had turned into a scavenger hunt for any possible enemy, even when every splinter of white oak was burnt down with the Mikaelson rage that roared for vengeance.

"Well it won't help to put my guard down either, because then something will happen." Niks tone was sharp, each word laced with a poison that only came from his own paranoia. Ava knew he didn't mean it, that a slip of the tongue caused his words to turn sour. But still, each time he directed it toward her it hurt.

Ava of course had been paranoid herself, feeling a burden weigh on her shoulders ever since her brothers death. From that day on she had always felt a pain in her stomach, a sick reminder of what he took from her. But for some reason this day was different. Maybe her subconscious fear had transferred to Klaus in some way or she had finally let go of her past, but her stomach felt as if it was given a new breath of life.

No more aching pains, in its wake a soft flutter of energy ready to be released. She just needed Nik to feel that way too.

Ava softly turned the hybrid to face her, disregarding the letters that scattered on the table beside them, and nudged his head down to see her.

"Things happen Nik, but we can't live in their shadow forever. If we do that we won't enjoy the good moments, the light moments. you promised an eternity of light moments with me, and you can't go back on your word now." Vampirism had changed her, Nik had suddenly realised. Once a quick tempered and frightened girl, had become a still quick tempered but powerful woman. She would not be defined by her shadow, and so neither would he. Even if it meant he had to stop running, because he would stop if it meant staying behind with her.


The Mikaelsons sat at the dinner table, A seemingly normal setting in an otherwise abnormal day.

"I am surprised you are okay with what we have chosen to do with Aurora." Elijah noted as he delicately dabbed at the edge of his lip, eyeing the blonde cautiously. The noble man had expected fire in her eyes of ice, an unequivocal amount of rage that had risen since her transition.

Freya almost chocked on her drink as the words left his mouth, shocked such a tense topic came up at the time they were trying to calm Niklaus down. Ava nodded slowly, her small hand clasped gently within Niks own. They were right, she had yelled at first. Because he had held that as a secret whilst she comforted him, because she wanted to be the one to end Aurora. And that she would.

"Well we came to a compromise. She can stay rotting in that wall for a century or a millennia, as long as when she comes out I am the one to find her and get the justice I rightfully deserve." Ava's tone was strong and fierce, something that hadn't diminished with her death, but instead flourished.

Each face held a sense of confusion and surprise at the notion that Nik had actually compromised on an issue so close to his heart. A development in his character they were not expecting to occur.

"And there's other news." Nik announced, an eager grin plastered on his cheeks.

"Oh yeah?" Freya sipped her drink, eyebrows quirked toward the beaming couple. They let it hang in air for a moment, finding the right time to build up for their comment. Because when she first met the family, Ava had almost screamed at the top of her lungs that she was independent and wanted nothing more than adventure on her own.

No kids. No partners. No strings.
But the past two years had changed her, and it was time to act on it.

"Niklaus and I have decided that, once this is all over and there are no more threats to our survival, we will have a ceremony to..."

"Oh Ava that's such a long winded way to say you're finally letting me marry you." Nik interrupted, a coy smirk and littered dimples gracing his expression as his family froze.

Soon it would be official. A public statement.
Niklaus and Avangaline Mikaelson agaisnt the world. But only when the dust has settled. And the loud commotion suddenly erupting downstairs didn't sound like dust settling.



I know it's late again, I know I can't apologise for much longer without being repetitive. But I've also been honest with why I can't update.

Alevels have me shook.
My Anxiety suddenly wanted to transform into Agoraphobia after my dog passed, which wasn't fun but I'm pushing through the panic attacks and getting on with things.
My dog passed away, which I've said before. And I honestly didn't realise how heartbreaking it would be, how much it would hurt to walk downstairs and see her things littered around the house and her sister cry when we left because she was worried we would leave too.

I will upload more. In a month my exams will be over, my final summer break before university in full swing, and all the free time in the world to complete these unfinished stories.

Please forgive me.
H x

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