Chapter fifty two

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Cradling a new hope

As the night was beckoning and a murderer was rampant in the city of music, Ava had two options set by klaus

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As the night was beckoning and a murderer was rampant in the city of music, Ava had two options set by klaus.

Leave the compound with ingested vampire blood in her system, or stay the night and not run the risk of becoming the next victim.

Ava went with the latter, taking advantage of the inordinate supply of bourbon stashed around the compound.

An hour or so had passed as voices filtered through the entrance downstairs, angering klaus and amusing Ava.

The pair walked out of the room they had occupied and stood watching Freya finally let loose.

"Freya! It's about time you bought a gentleman home to meet the family. I'm Freya's brother, and you are? No let me guess... Brad, chad, brody? What are your intentions with my sister? Should we discuss a dowry." Klaus materialised in front of Freya, a smug smile and mischievous gaze bestowed upon his skin.

"Oh Nik, leave your sister alone. She's just trying to have fun. Lord knows we all need it after the mess you've made." Ava called out from the staircase she descended, an amused glare painted across her expression.

Klaus glanced back at the blonde with a matching grin, he could see how well Ava had adapted to mikaelson standards.

"Oh come on, love." Klaus chuckled before revealing the demonic face people matched to his hybrid nature, and allowing the boy to scream in fear.

Before compulsion or retaliation, Freya's play thing sprinted for the exit- horror imbedded into his eyes.

"He's drunk, no one will believe his story." Klaus explained at his bewildered sister.

Freya found a comfort in what had happened, she was finally fitting in to the broken family as much as she had wanted to.

She was a stranger similar to Ava, but both girls were finally finding sanctuary in the mikaelsons.

"Not three months ago, you utterly despised me. Now you're playing protective brother." The newest found member of the mikaelsons declared smugly, her eyebrow raised.

"I like to think of it more as strategising. Hayley's missing, and you need to find her."


Hayley was impossible to track. There was no spirit that the locator spell clung too.

No traces of the hybrid anywhere near the bayou. And for the first time since Ava was informed of the curse, she was truly worried for Hayley's life.

The next day had broken with the suns burning light splinting through the curtains. Ava had stayed up, adorning a rather large shirt, and cradling a crying child.

Hope was one of the most powerful creatures to ever stroll the earth- part werewolf, vampire, and witch.

It was no question she could sense the fear radiating from Ava for the child to grow up without a mother.

Klaus had walked in to the nursery, a small smile tugging at his lips as he noticed the sleeping baby cradled in the sleeping arms of Ava.
Both were knocked out cold.

"Avangaline, love. Maybe you'd like to sleep in a bed; rather than this quite uncomfortable position." Klaus hummed as he knelt in front of the stirring blonde.

She blinked the sleep from her eyes in confusion, looking around until her gaze sunk to the baby attached to her shirt.

"Sorry." She murmured through an exhausted sigh, allowing Nik to take the baby from her arms.

"It's quite alright love, Hope always seems a little infatuated with you if I must say so myself." He chuckled as he moved the child into the cot only a few metres away.

Ava sighed slightly, the topic always hard from her family's history. Klaus sensed her tense state, turning slightly with an apologetic look.

"I will call Lucien today, make sure the murders stop. But you my love, need to go to sleep in an actual bed." He swerved the topic, hand outstretched for her to take.

Ava nodded hazily, standing up and stumbling a few steps forward before leaning into the hybrid for support. Klaus laughed at her tired state, however his worry for Hayley never simmered away.


Ava awoke less than an hour later, sounds were shuddering through the walls like an alarm; crashes and screams.

Ava did not fear for the mikaelsons as she heard shrieks from the ground, but she did fear the toll it would take on the child only a few rooms from her.

In a daze, exhaustion still clutching at her body, she crept toward the balcony. The room was eerily silent as she passed the doorway, shock spreading through her veins at the sight of the missing hybrid cradling hope.

Blood stained not only every inch of Hayley, but was decorating Niks face too. And Ava couldn't bring any words into the quiet air as she matched gazes with the male hybrid.

"When did she start walking?" Hayley questioned, cuddling the baby into her chest as if to hide what she had just seen.

"I missed it." She let out a silent sob, her eyes glassed with pain.

"I missed it all."

Ava couldn't help but feel sympathetic to the woman who had been cursed for months, unable to see her child other than the full moon.

But she was also confused to how Hayley came to stand, covered in blood and tears, cradling the child when the sun was blaring down.

The girl in question took off down the stairs, ignoring the silent glares from the male hybrid as she headed to her husband.

Ava could see the pain and hurt laced in Klaus' body, watching as he silently writhed in the grief of losing someone else.

She silently made her way over to the static man, afraid to set him off with any sound. So instead she just intertwined their hands in hope that he would not revoke such comfort.



I hope this chapter was good enough this week, I'm quite exhausted as I really don't have time off at all.

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