Chapter twenty five

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It had been a treacherous afternoon for the O'Connells and the mikealsons

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It had been a treacherous afternoon for the O'Connells and the mikealsons.
Both waited separately in anticipation for the spell to work.

The mikealsons at the cemetery reuniting with their mother dearest. And the O'Connells huddled around an hour glass as if the world would end at any moment.

The last few grains of sand clung to the glass in warning, the end- or atleast what could have been the end- was near.

Camis fingers had intertwined with avas as the girls stood whispering in the background. The conversation heavily weighed on the ignorance of Ava and her foolish actions seconds before her sisters 'heroic' arrival.

The thing was, Ava didn't find klaus' dark side instantly revolting. She believed their was no dark side to begin with.

Each person casts a shadow of their own- the size depending on the burden they carry upon their shoulders. But it is not what defines a character, it is just something trailing behind the body.

And Ava refused to be controlled by her own shadow, therefore why should she let others be controlled by their own.

"Keep my bedroom tidy for me." Ava chuckled as her gaze trailed back to the faltering granules left above the rest within their container.
Cami laughed in response, her eyebrow cocked in accusation.

"It was never tidy to begin with." Her voice was soft, almost lulling Ava into the dark slumber she had awaiting her. But still avas eyelids fought to stay open, a wicked grin lacing her lips.

"So you'll clean it for me whilst I'm gone then?" She replied, waiting for a response she never got to hear.

Because as Camis lips parted to answer, her sisters eyes rolled back in surrender.

Avas knees buckled, her eyesight gone and body left trembling as it collided with the floor. Cami shrieked as her little sister collapsed without warning, her body seizing in a form of a fit as her frame flinched from the spell.
For Ava it was the most horrifying experience she had faced so far.

Although she could not see, she could feel the grip groping at her arms as something tried to drag her under.

Although she could not hear- the ringing in her ears swallowed almost all her entirety of her senses.

The sensation to feel her presence was dawdling as her whole body finally went numb. And Ava was left in the darkness.

Her only wish not to be trapped like she was then, for eternity.



Someone not only a person could see, but feel. A feeling that swarms your body like a hornet of bees stinging every edge.

That's how Ava felt.

It had been what felt like hours for the girl with no senses, the ringing had become a clock for her to tick away each moment she stayed breathless in limbo.




The ancient clock residing in the old room boomed to signal yet another hour had passed.

Klaus had rushed in, Rebekah lifeless in his arms, yet his main concern for the blonde sprawled across one of the many articles of furniture throughout the compound.

When her body shot up right, a gasp quickly bursting past her lips, klaus was the first to appear by her side.

She seemed so dazed, so confused to her surroundings.
And it was confusing to Ava.

In one moment the blackness had erupted into light, seeping into every corner of the room carelessly.

Without thinking Ava groaned, and when she heard her own voice- when she heard any noise -it suddenly hit her that it had worked.

"Avangaliene?" Klaus asked softly, his thumb somehow finding her petite hand and smoothing down her skin.

The noise was so loud that the girl groaned more, her head throbbed and the little sounds weaving through the room seemed so much louder all of a sudden.

"Could someone get me some bloody sunglasses." Was all she muttered, but it was enough for every breath being held in the room to release.

Klaus chuckled at her comment, quickly cradling her head In a soothing manner and kissing her temple.

"I told you, you'd be fine little red." He whispered before disappearing to find what she desired.

Camille was the next to bombarde her with relief. The older sibling dove for Ava the first chance she got after she awoke and clung to her body like the blackness had previously.
Cami was on the verge of tears as Ava laughed quietly.

She had survived.

And in that moment, that was all that mattered to everyone in the room. But it was when Rebekah stayed lifeless and still on the chair opposite, that Ava froze.

Was the mikealson meant to awaken?

Was she meant to traumatise another like Ava had been put through for just mere hours compared to her new body captor?

Or was she trapped in her own body, unable to do anything but watch the people closest to her cry over avas survival?

"Will she be okay?" Ava whispered as she tore her gaze from the mikealson to Marcel Jared.

For a moment the man contemplated his answer, almost reminiscing on the love the two used to share.

"I hope so."


Counting down the days until season 4.....

I hope this chapter was good enough because I know my work is quite frankly shoddy. And I'm sorry if sometimes some people sound British when their not, for I am British so my vocab is biast.

Nearly at 6K which is insane.

Shout outs:

That's a lot of people...

Thank you for all the support this book receives, it means a lot and any criticism you guys have don't be afraid to share!

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Sorry for any mistakes.

Thank you for reading.

Goodbye X

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