Chapter seventy seven

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A deafening silence

The graves towered high across the cemetery as the pair walked deeper into the ancestors home

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The graves towered high across the cemetery as the pair walked deeper into the ancestors home. Ava's stomach crawled with what felt like tiny critters that imitated fear, feeding off of her strength as the darkened sky cackled above them.

"Camille!" Niklaus called out into the silent air, hand firmly gripping Avas as they stopped by the barrier. It was as if the air shifted around them before a voice echoed through across the paved pathway, frightening even the toughest of creatures.

"She can't hear you." It beckoned to the pair, forcing them to spin towards the sound. A lady, seemingly no older than 18, stood a few metres in front of them. Her features were shrouded by a cape, caverning her body into a pit of shadows. Nik has to tighten his hold of Avas hand as she readied to fight the trespasser, clearly a witch who despised the original family.

"As a matter of fact, pretty soon now, she'll be dead." The lady sneered, stepping forward and in to a dimly lit light to ensure her smirk could be seen beneath the darkness. Ava growled, ripping her hand from that of her partners and racing toward the shrivelled frame.

Instead of the contact she had longed for, the taste of blood on her tongue, she collided with the cold rock wall of a tomb. Bloody spells; she thought as she brushed herself off and scoured for the damned witch again.

"I hope you both parted on good terms." The voice cackled, bouncing off of the walls and into the air as if in a speaker.

"Show yourself." Niklaus roared, reluctantly taking his gaze off of the disheveled blonde dowsed in anger. There the shrouded figure was again, this time pulling her hood back as if in sick victory.

"You're one of the coven affiliated with the strix." Klaus observed, bitter resentment dripping from each syllable.

"My sisters and I have come for the one thing that can kill you." The witch snarled maliciously, a hunger for death ringing in her tone. Ava rolled her eyes, lips pursed as she marched toward the figure at a human pace.

"Fortunately for us it's much easier to kill a witch." She growled, diving toward the frame only to be knocked back by the barrier spell. Klaus grew angrier the more Ava persisted to try and hurt the witch, his rage fuelled by hers and the threat of death for their family.

"Perhaps we will find your sisters and feed them what remains of your insides." Klaus spat, hands pressed against the barrier as if enough force would shatter it like glass. The anger was flooding the disturbed air as the pair tried to reach their new enemy, a desperate look clinging to Avas skin.

"I have a better idea." The witches voice boomed as Niks bones began to crush into nothing, his body rising into the air with hallowed screams before he was sent eagerly into darkness.

"You bitch." Ava screamed out, punching the barrier with as much strength as she could muster. The witch all but grinned, a sickening look of humour embedded into her expression. Avas bones began to snap, twisting and crumbling until she had fallen to the floor in agony.

"I will kill you." She gasped with a slitted gaze, fighting away the the pain to save her sister. The witch knelt down, a fake look of sympathy turning her expression sour as she stared down at the broken vampire.

"I want you to listen." She hummed, casting an ancient spell on the fidgeting blonde until her bones locked into place. Ava was frozen against the ground, unable to move her body under the crushing invisible weight suddenly thrusted upon her chest.

"I want you to hear your sisters screams. I want to remind you how toxic your family really is." And with those harsh words the witch had vanished, leaving Ava alone with her silent cries of panic.

The spell lasted for what felt like hours, drawing the silence longer and longer until finally her worries were met with the shrill scream of her sister.



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