(NEW UPDATE) Chapter forty nine

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You guys have chosen:
to continue the third season in this book and so this book will probably end with 100 chapters.


Quiet thoughts

Days had passed and the aftermath of the war was brewing tediously

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Days had passed and the aftermath of the war was brewing tediously. Ava has recovered slowly, still dazed by the fragmented memory loss she had gained from lack of oxygen.

She was too tired to notice how she had stayed hidden within the confinements of a bedroom within the compound. Unaware of the constant calls from Camille.

Ava rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she curled up upon a chair facing the balcony placed beside her room. She watched the people pass by normally, the faint memory of Ava's first day soon painting it's way on the pavement.

She could almost see the anticipation and awe from a girl that was her only a few months prior, and the frightened Cami who jumped at every sound.

Ava missed the days where she was innocent. Where she did not love someone known as a monster.

"People watching again love?" A monotonous voice sounded through the air as klaus materialised by the door.

Ava turned and smiled tiredly at the hybrid, her head resting against the chair as her body stilled oozed with exhaustion.

"It's fun to see the difference in people. Speaking of, what are we exactly celebrating?" Ava queried, eyeing the bottle of bourbon attached to his grip. Klaus chuckled lowly, perching himself on the arm rest of the chair Ava had sat herself on.

"I thought we could commiserate my sister leaving me... again." He noted, taking two of the empty glasses set on the coffee table and pouring the brown liquid within the crystal confinements.

"She'll come back Nik, you can't blame her for wanting a break. After all, one small thing could change the entirety of an outcome." Ava noted, taking both of the glasses and setting them down. She didn't need a drunk klaus on her hands.

"How so, love?" He questioned, his blue eyes glinting with curiosity.

"I mean, if I hadn't decided to return home that day. Or if I didn't coax Camille out of the apartment. It could've of been someone else sitting here- making sure you don't become an alcoholic." Ava laughed, pushing herself upright as she faced Niklaus.

"I prefer to see it another way, love." He combatted, a smirk placed softly on his lips.

"If it wasn't that night, this compound. It would've been another day, maybe in the French quarter watching a musician. Or Jackson square- admiring a painter." His tone was lulling and calm, contrasted to the vulgar and sharp tone many saw him as only having.

Ava was able to get lost in his voice, his looks. In him. And she couldn't help but picture a far more simpler life with the hybrid.

She moved slightly to allow his body to fall next to hers, uplifting hers slightly so she ended up nearly perching herself on top of him.

Their gazes still caught one another's, both blues intensely beaming two very different shades. Ava's were so crystal it was as if they were purely diamond ore. And klaus' were as if a sea had woven its way around ice.

"Either way love, I would've found you." His voice bounced through the air so delicately it made Ava squirm.

She smiled at his notion and rested her head upon his chest, listening to the rhythmic music of his breathing. Klaus wove his arms around the girl as his chin rested on her head, both adoring the tranquil sanctuary of Ava's room within the compound.

And they sat there for hours, simply enjoying each other's company.



Small update, it is just to put a bridge between seasons.
I might make another update for mid week, but I hope this is good enough for now.

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Goodbye X

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