~Çhapter Twø~

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I dropped my pom-poms into my locker. Cheer practice had just finished and I was exhausted. I had done a back summersault but I had gone way too high and landed weird so now my ankle hurts. I don't even know how I did it, it felt exactly the same as every other one I've ever done.

Emma couldn't come either since she, and I quote, 'had stuff...important stuff to do.' I was the cheer captain so I couldn't ditch the way she could. I was the example, I was the leader, with great power comes great responsibility and all that stuff.

I loved cheerleading, I've loved it since I was little, but I hated how everyone thought of me as a dumb blonde when in reality I had excellent grades and studied as hard as I could.

I don't understand why people are so judgemental and stereotypical, 'you're blonde oh you must be a dumb blonde,' what the heck? Being a cheerleader didn't help either. Seriously?

Don't judge me if you don't know me. I have blonde hair and I'm a cheerleader but guess what. I enjoy reading and I have excellent grades. I hate stereotypes.

I closed my locker and pulled out my phone; Emma and I usually went out together on our birthdays' but she hasn't texted me.

I walked out of school and stared at the ring on my finger as I walked home. I couldn't take my mind off it all day. I don't know why it was on my bed.

I didn't own anything remotely like it and, as far as I knew, neither did mum or dad. Maya might have something like it but if she did it certainly wouldn't have been on my bed when I woke up.

My other hand went to twist the ring but it still wouldn't budge. I almost regret putting it on now since it seems like I actually cannot take it off.

It seemed stuck to my skin, maybe this was a horrible prank Maya set up: put glue on the ring and let me put it on only for it to be stuck there.

Nah, Maya isn't smart enough plus she wouldn't take the chance of me getting her in trouble. Well, she is a terrible liar so I guess I could ask her tonight and see if she did it or not.

I walked closer to my house to see all the lights were off. I frowned and picked up my pace a little. Maya should be home now and if not Maya then mum or dad. At least one light should be on. I opened the door to my house and closed it behind me - worried something had happened to them.

"Happy Birthday!" People shouted and the lights flickered on.

I froze for a moment before smacking my head and laughing. It was so obvious. Emma came up to me and threw her arm over my shoulder before bringing her phone up.

"Say cheese birthday girl," Emma said and snapped a few, more like fifty, selfies but I played along.

Emma shoved a present into my hands and grabbed my arm. The present didn't seem that heavy nor big and I was glad, I didn't like people feeling like they had to buy me anything for my birthday let alone anything big or extravagant.

"You can thank me for that later, but for now let's go. Whoo!" Emma shouted and dragged me into the living room.

Everyone greeted me some with curt nods, others with hand shakes and a few even hugged me, pretty much everyone here was family some were neighbours and close friends of the family but that was how I liked it.

I didn't throw massive parties and instead only held parties on special occasions but even then it's only between family friends.

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