~Çhapter Førty-Fivę~

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The words swam around the page as my head started to ache.

"I think I've done so much reading and crammed so many facts into my head that my brain's broken," Zac joked.

"How about," Amara began. "instead of sitting around here and studying on our own in silence we do group studying."

Julian smiled. "Yes! Amara, you are a genius and a life saver!"

I sat up and tossed my book onto my bed. "I'm perfectly fine with that."

"But silence is better for revising," Lucas interjected. "How am I meant to revise if you guys are making a bunch of noise?"

"Hmm," Zac fake pondered. "How about you go and study in your own room and we will waste time - doing zero actual revision - here."

Lucas placed a bookmark in and stood up. "Perfectly fine with that proposal."

Amara grabbed onto Lucas's arm as he walked past. "Please stay Lucas - please, please, please, please, please-"

"Okay," Lucas interrupted with a pink overtone to his cheeks.


Lucas sighed and sat down next to Amara while we all butt shuffled into a circle.

Zac turned to me. "Definition of Lycan."

"A person who can shift into wolf form but, unlike a werewolf, can shift at will instead of being forced to at a full moon." I turned to Julian. "Definition of Elf."

"A creature with arched ears and looks human but more often than not have some kind of supernatural ability," he answered and turned to Amara. "Definition of Siren."

It went on like that for a while and every time some failed to answer the question they would get knocked out of the game. Eventually it was just Zac and Lucas left.


"A supernatural creature typically depicted as having the body of a lion, the head of a man, and the tail of a scorpion."


"A creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion with an eagle's legs taking the place of the forelegs."


Amara, Julian and I ended up staring our own game since those two were taking forever; we managed to get though about four games and they still hadn't finished yet.

I guess that's why they're best friends, they were just drawn to one another. They were both smart enough to challenge each other but they were smart in different ways - Zac was naturally gifted with a photographic memory while Lucas studied as hard as he could.

"Dammit!" Lucas yelled as Zac laughed.

"I win!"

"Best two out of three!"

"No!" Amara, Julian and I shouted at the same time.

Lucas' shoulders slumped as he realised he'd lost, meanwhile Zac smiled smugly.

"Moving on," Julian said as he stood up. "What are you guys going to be doing over the holiday."

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