~Çhapter Thįrty~

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Lucas and I stared at each other as we each stood completely still. We were both analysing each other and waiting for one of us to make the first move.

We waited and waited and waited. We seemed to come to a mutual agreement after a while and Lucas charged towards me.

I stayed still and only dodged at the last moment. I spun and stuck my leg out, roundhouse kicking Lucas right in the stomach.

He sucked in a breath and as I pulled my leg back he grabbed it and with an expert manoeuvre he moved it under his arm.

I was balanced on one leg and I couldn't pull away from him. He had also handicapped himself in the process though since he only had one arm to use since his other was trapping my leg.

I tried to yank my leg out of his grip but he had an iron grip and he refused to let go.

My arm shot out and I sucker punched him right across the jaw his head whipped to the side and I yanked my leg out of his grip before, learning from my previous mistake and round kicking him instead.

The difference being he can't grab my leg since I brought it straight down to the floor.

He lunged for me so quickly that I couldn't move out the way and he grabbed me in a choke hold.

I clawed at his arms but couldn't escape his grip, instead I snapped my elbow back and whacked him right in the nose while also elbowing him in the stomach before pulling out of his hold and punching him in the stomach again.

He staggered back and tried to compose himself but I took another punch to his stomach. And another. And another.

I went for another but he brought his arm up and blocked with his forearm, he snapped his arm straight and grabbed me.

Lucas aimed a punch for my face but I ducked and rammed straight into him, sending us sprawling to the floor.

I landed on top of him as straddled his waist before pinning his hands down next to his head.

We were both drenched in sweat not to mention covered bruises but Mrs. Riley gave us a balm to fix that problem since we get so many.

"Congratulations Chase," Lucas said and struggled against my hold, I had fallen for that trick before but until he concedes I'm not letting go. He sighed and relaxed.

"You win," he murmured and I smiled smugly.

"Yep that's right Lucas. I. Won," I blatantly gloated but I didn't care, not after I spent so long trying to beat him.

I got off him and extended my hand to help him get up. I may rub this in his face for a few weeks but other then that I'm not a bad sportsman.

"Upset now are we Golden Boy?" Zac called as he walked over with an arm slung over Julian's shoulder.

"No," Lucas scoffed. "I'm not that petty."

"Sure," Zac said in a disbelieving manner before turning to me. "Congratulations Archer you have officially beaten Lucas."

"Yeah, even you can't do that," I teased.

Zac scoffed. "Oh please I can beat Lucas - I just choose not to hurt his massive ego."

"Mhmm, sure," I said incredulously. "I'm sure it's Lucas' ego that's massive and that you couldn't bear to have that massive ego hurt."

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