~Çhapter Twęnty-Ninę~

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My legs dangled over the back of the sofa while my head hung where my legs should go.

I could feel the blood rushing to my head but I was bored plus I was having a competition with the boys; who could stay like this longer.

Right now it was just Julian and I left; we were watching TV upside down.

My head was pounding and I felt dizzy but I guess the boys are rubbing off on me because I did the irrational thing and stayed hanging upside down.

"Okay," Julian said and swung himself round to sit like a normal person, unfortunately that meant his feet were right next to my head.

"You win," he sighed, admitting defeat, and I cheered.

I swung myself round and narrowly avoided kicking Zac in the head.

However I immediately regretted sitting up that fast because now I was getting a head rush.

I gripped my head. "Ow, ow, head rush," I said.

"And that's six to Chase, two to Julian, four to Zac and three to me," Lucas charted down who won the most games.

"Ha ha suck on that losers," I said and threw a pillow at Lucas.

His Hunter reflexes let him catch it and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You wanna go?" He asked and I smiled cheekily.


He launched himself at me and I went tumbling off the sofa and to the ground.

He pinned me down and starting hitting me with the pillow I threw at him.

"Hey- whack - stop that!"

I looked to Zac and Julian, who were sitting there pretending to eat popcorn. I pouted as I gave them my puppy dog eyes.

Zac shrugged and threw a pillow at my face. I glared at him then looked at Julian. He stared at me for a moment before sighing.

"I can't resist," he sighed dramatically before shouting a war cry and tackling Lucas off me.

They tumbled to the ground and I rolled away from them before sitting on the sofa next to Zac.

I took deep breaths and relaxed for a bit before whacking Zac on the head.

"Thanks for the help," I said sarcastically.

"I know, I just did all the work there," he said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and watched Julian and Lucas fake wrestle before finally Julian pinned Lucas down with a cocky smirk that he definitely got from Zac.

"I win," he got up and plopped down next to me before picking up Lucas's score book.

"Julian, three," he wrote down before chucking the book at Lucas.

"I'm bored," Zac whined.

"Another game anyone?" I asked.

"How about," Lucas said, "we play Base Quest?"

I booed. "We played that yesterday," I said and he shrugged.

"We'll mix up the teams."

I looked at Zac. "There's nothing better to do," he said and got up.

"I'm down for a game of Base Quest," Lucas said.

I shrugged. "Base Quest it is then."

We walked- well I walked, the boys ran- through the house and outside.

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