~Çhapter Thįrty-Twø~

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You know that feeling where you want to slam your head on a table multiple times during class?

Yeah, that's how I feel right now.

"You attack whether provoked or not!" Mrs. Foster shouted for about the millionth time. "They are all dangerous, all violent and all savage! If you see one you kill it, no question! No hesitation."

I rolled my eyes. Just kill them, don't worry kids it ain't no big deal. Note sarcasm.

Do they really expect us to just kill them? Unprovoked even? Provoked is one thing but unprovoked?

I've killed animals when provoked and that was already hard enough but completely unprovoked?

"If you ever come across a Lycan, a Witch, a Werewolf, it doesn't matter! Kill them, don't ever-"


It slipped out before I could think. Mrs. Foster's eyes snapped to me.

"Excuse me," her empty eyed glare creeping me out.

"Why?" I repeated with a nonchalant shrug as if her glare wasn't about to set me on fire. "Why just kill them? Because they're part of a pack they were born into? Because they were born with powers out of their control? It wasn't their choice, it was never their choice and they still die because of it?"

I took in a deep breath. I had changed since I got here, I've done things I never would've done.

I was tired of the death, I was tired of the killing and I didn't want to carry on the path of change I was currently on.

And then if I do change so drastically that I can kill with a snap of my fingers, then what? I get sent on a Suicide Mission like Zac's dad?

"That's not right? You say don't hesitate, you say don't ask questions? Then what if they were just a child? What if a little girl is a witch who can't control herself, that's not her fault-"

"Enough," Mrs. Foster ground out. I could feel everyone staring at me, they were brought up being spoon fed what Mrs. Foster was saying- but I hadn't been.

"- we kill them without hesitation," I continued. "Are we so sure they're the monsters? What about us? We aren't even trying to understand- why? Why are they doing what they do? Maybe we're the monsters-"

"I said enough!" Mrs. Foster shouted and I flinched. She pointed a finger at me. "Go! Go to Mrs. Vixen's office. Now!"

I shrugged before standing up, I swing my backpack over my shoulder and walked over to the door.

Everyone was looking at me, I could feel it, but I refused to turn around. How could they not feel it? The guilt, the anger, the...I don't know, it just all feels wrong.

I ran up all the stairs without breaking a sweat and trust me, it was a lot of stairs. It took like fifteen minutes at the least to run up them all.

I finally reached the top floor and knocked on Mrs. Vixen's office door.

"Come in," her usually velvety and soft voice called.

I opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door quietly as she spoke to someone on the other side of the phone.

Ugh, I miss my phone, it's still in my bedroom at home because Lucas couldn't kidnap my phone too.

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