~Çhapter Thįrty-Fįve~

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I stared at the wolves that stood in front of me. One had black fur and brown eyes, the other had brown fur with the occasional streak of white and brown eyes while the last one had sandy blond fur with blue eyes.

I knew who they were, even as wolves I knew who they were. I could feel it.

Each of them stood on one of my friends, Julian, Zac and Lucas, they growled and snapped their jaws next to their necks.

"Archer we need a bit of help here," Zac called as he wrestled the brown wolf.

I clenched my hands and realised that knives had appeared out of nowhere.

"Chase!" Lucas shouted as the blonde wolf's teeth grazed his neck and drew blood.

My eyes darted between the wolves and the knives in my hands.

No, no, no, no- don't make me choose. Please.

"Chase please," Julian begged as the black wolf's claws dug into his chest.

I clenched my eyes shut and my hands lashed out without my consent, letting the knives fly.

I opened my eyes as the two knives embedded themselves in their sides.

They stared at me wide eyed before falling limp, their eyes trained on me the entire time.

I placed a hand over my mouth as I choked on a sob.

They fell to the floor and as they shifted back to humans I almost fell to the floor.

"Mum," I whispered. "Dad. I'm sorry."

I looked at Maya as she stared at them in shock. She whimpered before turning to me and snarling.

I fumbled around for another knife but I couldn't find one anywhere.

She turned her head to the sky and howled, a howl of pure rage and anguish, before launching herself right at me.

I looked at where the boys had lain but there was nobody their, nobody to help me.

Maya landed on me and glared at me with eyes full of pure uninhibited rage.

I fought under her but I wasn't strong enough to get her off me. I struggled but I was coming to a pint where I realised, it was pointless.

I slowly began to stop moving until I stilled and went limp in defeat.

She growled and her jaw opened before...

I screamed

My head whipped around until I realised I was in still in my room. I grappled at my chest as I calmed my ragged breathing.

I fell back against my bed so I was flat against my back. Tears pricked my eyes as my dream hit me full force.

I curled up into a ball and a shudder ripped through me as I saw my adoptive parents lying there.

I shook my head as I tried to erase the dream from my memory but it was stuck there. It was replaying in my mind over and over again.

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