~Çhapter Førty-Sįx~

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I gave Amara a tight hug as we stood by the edge of the school grounds: I did the same for Zac, Julian and Lucas.

Nothing interesting had happened. We all passed our exams, me barely passing Chemistry yet again, the Finishing Party was boring because everyone was mentally exhausted from studying so much in the past week and now everybody was heading off home - everyone but me.

"See you guys later," I said as we all had one last group hug, something Amara and I forced the boys into. "I'll see you guys after Christmas."

"Bye Chase," Julian whispered.

"Don't you dare say 'bye' to me, Julian, goodbyes are too permanent for my taste - let's just say see you soon," I smiled sadly.

I always hated goodbyes. I never got teary eyes or anything, I just didn't like that word 'goodbye' it made it seem like the last time you would see them again - it made it feel like it would be for eternity.

"See you later, Archer," Zac gave me one last hug before walking over to a women with honey blonde curls, they began to walk away and Zac turned around, saluting, before disappearing.

"Hasta Luego, Chase," Amara hugged me and ran off to a man who immediately hugged her, they too walked away.

"Till next time," Lucas ran off to where Mr.Taylor, Mrs.Riley and Charlotte were standing.

"We'll see each other again," Julian said. "Maybe even sooner than you realise."

With that cryptic message he ran off, leaving me standing alone on the now frosted grass of the deserted school.

That was five days ago.

I was bored out of my mind. I was currently snuggled up in a blanket on my couch watching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York with a cup of hot chocolate and some chocolate chip cookies I baked just now.

I have a high metabolism so I can have as many of my completely unhealthy cookies as I want and I will naturally burn it off. Yes! Genetics!

I might be really slow but when I watched the film I literally screamed because I saw Donald Trump. Donald Freaking Trump! He didn't play a big role or anything but he was there. I'm probably really slow and I bet everyone else already knew but still - Donald Trump!

Anyway, I digress.

Nothing spectacular had happened in the five days I'd been alone on the school grounds, well, I say alone but really Mrs.Vixen was here too. However, she stayed locked up in her office and I only know that because I've seen her watching me from her office while I built a different snowman everyday in the knee deep snow.

I curled up under the blanket and was just about to doze off when there was a sharp knock at my door.

I groaned and tried to ignore it but there was another round of knocking. I sighed and stood up off the couch before trudging to the door.

I threw open the door to see Mrs.Vixen standing there. I should've known, no really I should've, after all we were the literally the only people here.

"Uhh...can I help you?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame, implying she couldn't come in.

She cleared her throat. "We need to talk in my office, I expect you to be there in five minutes exactly." She turned on her heels and walked away before pausing half way down the hall. "And wear your assassins outfit with the cloak."

She carried on walking, disappearing around the corner but I could still hear her heels clacking against the floor. I waited until the sound diminished before a complete silence encompassed me.

Only then did I properly think about what she told me. Show up at her office in five minutes, not an invitation but an order, and she's also telling me what I can and cannot wear.

"How rude," I muttered as I closed the door.

I was tempted to show up in the clothes I was currently wearing but decided against it, especially when she could still decide to punish me for trying to break into the Sub-levels.

I opened my wardrobe and walked to the very back where I kept the assassins outfit.

I remember when I first wore it when I first got here - it had been the only outfit in my wardrobe for me to wear - and now here I was, wearing it again.

It fit snugly and the black cloak kept me warm. The combat boots also kept me warm as I trudged trough the snow.

I ran up the stairs to her office, my pounding footsteps the only sound within the school, before knocking on the door.

I walked in and she gazed up for a moment, nodding at my attire, before gesturing to the chairs.

I sat down. "What's going on?"

"Well," Mrs.Vixen answered. "The Council and I have decided that you are ready for a mission."

I blinked once, twice. "What?"

"A mission, to keep you occupied over the break," she said calmly as she handed me a file.

I read over the file three times before closing it. "You want me to attack a pack full of Lycans?"

Mrs.Vixen hummed as if it wasn't a big deal. "The Alpha and Luna as well as their heir specifically."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Let's just say that they may cause... problems in the future and we're taking precautions."

"When will I be leaving?" I asked, I wasn't saying yes but I wanted to know how long I had to decide if I wanted to do this or not - probably not.

She smiled. "Now."


She brought her hand out from one of her drawers, her fist clenched. My eyes widened as I realised what was happening.

I went to duck but Victoria blew the golden dust in my face. I coughed and spluttered as I inhaled the golden dust. Sleeping dust.

"Every time," I laughed hoarsely. "You need to think of some new ways of knocking me out."

The world spun as I went limp in the chair, the world darkening around me, as I passed out.

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