~Çhapter Sįxty-Sįx~

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I huffed and turned my back away from the door, curling up into a ball and pulling the blankets tighter around myself.

"Archer!" Zac sang.

"Go away. Sleepy."

"You've been sleeping for 4 days now. Why can't I miss school too?"

"Because you haven't been poisoned." Artemis answered flatly. "But he's right. You need to get up, Blair."

I folded myself together. "Too lazy."

"I'm gonna kick you out of that bed in a second," Artemis threatened.

I turned around to face them. "Try."

Artemis smiled dangerously and snapped her fingers. The shadows everywhere wavered before becoming 3D, forming hands.

One surged forward and grabbed me, handing me upside down. "Woah! Woah! Put me down!" The blood was rushing to my head.

It continued to hang me upside down and Artemis walked up to me, making stairs out of the darkness with every step.

She flicked my nose as she smiled. "You dared me."

Then the shadows disappeared beneath her feet and she landed on the ground. "Apollo's snuck off to the kitchen and is stealing food. I need to go put it back... if he isn't going to share with me."

The fist turned me around and dropped me to the floor. I landed as gracefully as possible.

"Well, you're out of bed," Zac said and smirked. "Damn, Artemis is awesome."

I pouted. "What about me?"

Zac patted my head. "Don't worry, Archer: you'll always be the most awesome, funniest, cutest... forget I said that one, and coolest person I know."

I nodded once. "As I should be."

Zac threw his head back and laughed. "Okay. Now," he grabbed my shoulder and directed me to the bathroom," take a shower - or bath, I don't really care - and brush your teeth and generally make yourself presentable."

"You have such a way of charming women."

Zac smirked. "I know."

I looked at him. "It was sarcastic."

He shrugged. "To me it wasn't."

I rolled my eyes as I pulled out of his grasp to step into the bathroom. "Okay but," I swatted him away as he went to follow me, "no following me into the bathroom."

Zac's face fell and he fake sniffled, pretending to wipe away a tear. "You hurt me, Archer. You wound me."

My eyes looked to the ceiling in exasperation. "You're not seeing me naked." Zac pouted. "Besides - in 3, 2, 1 -" the bell rang," you have to get to class."

The bell rang even louder and Zac cursed. He said a quick goodbye and ran out the room, skidding to turn himself around.

I smiled to myself and shook my head, kicking the bathroom door open.

"Archer!" The door slammed open. I turned around and Zac winked. "You never said you didn't want to see me naked."

Then he ran like his life depended on it: because it did. If he had stayed any longer I would've grabbed him and thrown him out the window.

I scowled and kicked my door open again because it had shut thanks to someone.

I turned on the water for the bath and, when it was full enough, I slipped in but I couldn't enjoy it. My brain was still working away.

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