~Çhapter Thįrty-Sęvęn~

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I stared at Julian as he set out the table to make a serum, he wouldn't tell me what we're making just that it would be difficult- so basically, I'm going to blow this lab up.

"What is it, Julian?" I asked for the hundredth time. "You have to tell me, I'm a curious creature and I can't deal with the suspense."

I pouted at him and made my puppy dog eyes. He stared my down and got a moment I thought he wasn't going to give in until he sighed.

"We're making wolfsbane," he muttered.

I groaned and flopped backwards into Mrs. Riley's comfy chair, dropping my bag onto the floor with a thud.

"I blew that up the first time I made it," I pointed out and he shrugged.

"You never know when you're going to need it."

I snorted. "Dude I can't go home at all, I can't leave the school grounds, I'm stuck here for Christmas, when am I ever going to be attacked by Werewolves or Lycans...again...you know what - let's make it."

I rolled my eyes and stood up next to him.

"Okay," Julian said. " Lets make some wolfsbane."

It was lengthy process and I did most of it wrong which is what made it lengthy. Julian had to do all the hard stuff while I did all the easy stuff but that's what we always do really.

"Our end of term tests are coming up and you aren't prepared for Chemistry, Chase."

I sighed. "I know that," I muttered and poured the last vial into the serum.

The serum turned a lilac colour before it became paler and paler. I got the wolf blood and dropped it in but instead of the serum darkening to a red it became a clear.

"Chase," Julian said excitedly. "You did it!" He cheered before pouring the serum into a vial.

I shrugged. "But you helped me a ton."

He shook his head. "Only a few of the steps, learn them and you'll be fine." He sealed the vial and held it out for me. "Just pop the lid and you can use it whenever you want."

I took the vial from his hand and hooked it onto my belt but it still stayed feather light.

"Nice tool belt you got going there," he teased.

"Yeah yeah, Zac already beat you to the punch line," I said.

"Damn it Zac!" He yelled mockingly and I laughed.

"I'll see you later but for now I've got training with Lucas," I hugged him.

"I can't wait to see you kick Charlotte's butt," he said and I shook my head with a small smile.

"Never gonna happen but hey, a girl can dream."

He playfully punched my arm. "Have some self confidence Chase, you'll beat her, you're better then Charlotte in everything-"

"Except Chemistry."

He rolled his eyes. "Except Chemistry, I mean imagine if you had the same amount of training as her, she's been training since the day she could walk."

I shrugged because that didn't help, it just showed how far behind I was compared to her. "See you later," I waved before walking out the Chemistry room.

I was halfway down the stairs when I realised I forgot my backpack. I groaned before running back up the stairs.

"Hey Julian," I said as I was opening the door. "I forgot my- Oh my god!"

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